Page 1 of Any reasons not to buy a Dansai 852 ?

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Any reasons not to buy a Dansai 852 ?

steve-o (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th December 2001, 21:04

Having watched the stampede for these machines, and seriously thinking about getting one, are there any reasons not to buy one? It seems to have a better spec than much costlier players. I was looking to buy the full "home theatre" for £500-£600. Would I be better off buying a Dansai and putting the £100 more I would of spent on a more well known brand towards a better amp/speaker package, as it seems that with dvd player prices getting lower it would be the cheapest out of the player/receiver/speakers to replace/upgrade at a later stage. Answers on a postcard to...

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th December 2001, 21:15

RE: Any reasons not to buy a Dansai 852 ?

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st December 2001, 00:19

Good picture and sound, very good picture.
Only Quible I would have is the daft door flap which the tray crashes into and over when opening and shutting, scraping and making little grooves but its not too bad, and the tray is a little flimsy, but with macro options and multi-region, it also plays just about anything.
If you get a good un, great, ours has to go back as laser is faulty and zapping out of machine a little.
For the money I can`t imagine you getting any better pictures, the quality is far better than many machines, some a lot more pricey than these.
Also the remote is nice and the machine seems responsive to it. It also has two phono sockets for headphones on the left, maybe useful on tv`s without them.
Also as you can macro off, if your tv has no scart you can got through video.Has a proper off button too,handy.
Not bad really. think its the same as Naiko from Makro.
all the best, happy hunting, Mark.

RE: Any reasons not to buy a Dansai 852 ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st December 2001, 09:16

If you look at the amount of Dansai 852 queries on this forum, all mentioning numerous different problems, I can`t see why anyone would go for one now to be honest.
Messages about umpteen trips back to Tesco, lip sync problems, picture problems etc.etc.etc.
I was going to buy one for dear mama`s christmas but I spent another £30 and got her a Toshiba 110. What`s an extra £30 ? It`s only a night out or half a girl-on-girl show at the loc......nothing.
Seriously though. I say spend another £30 - £40 and get a quality piece of kit.

RE: Any reasons not to buy a Dansai 852 ?

deanos75 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st December 2001, 15:02

If you think about the many thousands of players they have sold the % for faulty ones and returns must be very very low ???

I have had a Dansai for a few months and had no problems whatsoever.

There are also many threads about how good they are, people just pick up on the negative points more.

RE: Any reasons not to buy a Dansai 852 ?

abraham_love (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st December 2001, 15:19

This is gonna turn into an `I love my Dansai` vs. `Why did you buy that cheap crap` thread. The only problems I`ve seen mentioned are VCD lip sync...someone replied saying this is true of various VCD`s on various kit, it`s not a Dansai problem. Someone had a problem with the laser. That does sound like a problem - take it back and Tesco refund without or exchange. The CD tray that someone else mentioned is undeniably crap as I wrote the day after I got mine. But it`s not gonna fall off. If it does. I`ll take it back to Mr & Mrs. Tesco. The fact is if you`re after a sub £100 player it plays everything with decent connectivity, decent sound, decent picture. At this price range £30 is ALOT of difference...almost a third more than the unit price. if `it`s only £30` why do people hunt around the net to get a DVD of their favourite movie for £1 less???
Buy one safe in the knowledge that you are getting one of the best sub £100 players on the market with the backup of the Tesco `no quibble` returns policy.

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