Page 1 of CyberHome Vs SCAN Vs PSX2

Hardware Forum

CyberHome Vs SCAN Vs PSX2

Imy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 11:44

Can anyone help?

what would you guys recommend.

Cyberhome ADL528 (Multi-Region) seems like the best deal for £99 with
multiregion, but i`n not sure if its MacVision enabled.
Cyberhome doesn`t S-VHS!

Scan seems quite good but I`m not sure if its better than Cyberhome.
Also I think it cost more than £150.

PSX2 would cost £199 but then I can play games also!

Any Suggestions?

RE: CyberHome Vs SCAN Vs PSX2

Zorba H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 11:58

my brother has the cyberhome - thinks it is v. good for the cash. I beleive the scan is the same machine internally. my personal opinion on the PSX2 - great for games - crap for DVD

RE: CyberHome Vs SCAN Vs PSX2

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 14:54

The only way to disable macrovision on the 528 is either with a soldering iron and lots of courage, or by buying a Macmaster - £30 - basically a heavily modified scart cable with gizmo attached - search this forum for sonel or macmaster for more info.
I have the Cyberhome 512, and have bene pleased with it - there have been adverse comments re the 528 about noisy drive etc, but this is likely to be machine dependant, as there have been good reviews of it. Good idea to upgrade to the latest firmware, too.

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 14:56

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