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Page 1 of I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

Hardware Forum

I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2008, 10:37

I`ve just download about 90GB worth of albums onto my i-Pod Classic... and there appears to be a few covers missing (about 15) when I use the Cover-flow thing (and just play the albums as normal).

They are all there on I-Tunes/my PC, so any suggestions? Should I delete and re-load the cover-art or something?

Also, is it possible to have the Cover-flow (on the actual I-Pod) with the albums released by year? (at the moment they are alphabetical... they are by year on I-Tunes though).

Sorry if any of this is really easy and I`m just being thick(!).

This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th November 2008, 10:23

RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2008, 23:56

Make sure in iTunes that each song from an album that has missing cover art is actually assigned a cover by clicking on them individually and selecting `view info`. I think if a few songs don`t have a cover assigned to them it can mess up Cover Flow.

I think your iPod can only arrange Cover Flow by name, not year.


RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th November 2008, 07:49

Cheers Nick! It worked... mostly (there were a couple still missing so I just uploaded a different photo).

I think your iPod can only arrange Cover Flow by name, not year.

Yup... I`ve gone all through the manual and can`t see anything to alter it (...they`re also listed alphabetical in the normal album/playlist to). Oh well...

RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th November 2008, 12:36

Glad I could help.


RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th November 2008, 16:29

A colleague has an i-touch, as do I.
He`s got loads of missing covers.
His coverflow looks rank rotten, with loads of the grey `note` symbols.
I`ve shown him how to manually insert covers, using screenshots off Amazon.
He still can`t grasp it. :/

RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 24th November 2008, 16:40

There used to be a little utility that did that process for you (ie searched Amazon for covers and then updated any files you had selected in iTunes).

Will Google to see if its still out there.

EDIT: It was called "iTunes Album Art Importer".

Not sure if it still works or not to be honest, but might be worth a look for those technically challenged in the ways of saving a JPG and dragging it on to a music file! :D

"Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life."
-Terry Pratchett.

This item was edited on Monday, 24th November 2008, 16:30

RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 24th November 2008, 16:51

There is also one called Tune Up which isn`t free, but uses its own online database. You get a free number of successful searches before you have to pay, which is enough (if I recall) to fix any gaps in your collection that iTunes has failed to do.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th November 2008, 17:30

I much prefer doing manual searches.
I often choose not to use the `proper` cover for the track/album.
Some covers are a bit ambiguous, or downright awful.
For example, I ripped Bellamy Brothers `Let your love flow` off an album the other day.
The proper cover was some sort of `Country greatest hits`. :/
I wasn`t having any of that, so I downloaded another Bellamy Brothers cover instead.

This item was edited on Monday, 24th November 2008, 17:15

RE: I-Pod Classic - Cover-flow problem (missing covers...)

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th November 2008, 19:41

I prefer using the manual Amazon method too.


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