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Anyone got a sony STRDE475

The Duke (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th February 2002, 22:11

Hi there

I was wondering If any one uses the above receiever and what they think of it. I am about to take delivery of one this thursday.

I was also wondering what is the best way to connect my lecson-dvd900 to the unit. Optical or co-axial.? I am new to home cinema so any help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks

The Duke

RE: Anyone got a sony STRDE475

simon2win (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 16:19

I had my order in for one of those from Empire Direct.... but after checking out a couple of review pages I`ve decided to spend the extra and opt for the Marantz SR4200 at (£233 del.) an award winner with more features.
Nothing really wrong with the Sony but I`ve always get what you pay for.

RE: Anyone got a sony STRDE475

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 19:15

Hi, I dont own one of these. I am lucky enough to own a STRDB870. However, my mate owns one and he is over the moon. For less than £200.00 it a great amp.
To me its a scaled down version of my amp. However, take nothing away from it ,it can chuck out 5.1 and DTS with ease and it has some excellent DSP modes. Engage the `Cinema ex B` option for a really effective sound stage. Dont tinker with the options too much as I have found that it sounds best by default if that makes sense.

Personally , at this price, go for an IXOS co-axial optical. Its warmer sounding and in fact Sony recommend this connection with their amps. Also, if you intend on routing a seperate CD player invest in good quality left and right phono leads as they dont like cheap leads, but hey, doe`s anyone !!!

Finally, if you get an ixos co-ax note that you have to unscrew the tip of the lead to make a `sound` connection.

Hope you enjoy it.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th February 2002, 19:16

RE: Anyone got a sony STRDE475

chesy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th February 2002, 21:15

I bought one of these from a shop in Oswestry last week for £150. The shop is an ex-Index catalogue shop. The stock changes frequently as they may have only one or two of each item but the bargains are unbelieveable. I have seen Sony Wega TVs for just over £500.

The Sony 475 is excellent for a budget AV amp. Mine is connected to my Grundig GDV210 dvd via an optical and the sound is superb. I went for this amp as its DTS and most of my dvds are from the US. I hope you enjoy it

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