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DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

Stubbs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 17:59

hey, i just got a ps2 the games are all fine but when i try to play DVDs the screen goes from Normal to dark randomly, (often long peroids of really dark playback playback that fades to normal colours then jumps back to the dark again, (the sounds Fine theres no probs with that)

the DVD Playback isnt to important as ive got a DVD Player in the lounge allready and this is for my Room, but it would be really nice to be able to watch my Collection in my Room,

RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

Stubbs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 23:00

someone must know whats wrong and how to fix it,

RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

Stubbs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 14:34

oh comeone, someone at least make some coment, even if you dont have a clue whats wrong with it,

RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 16:38

Jesus, you`re an impatient bugger, aren`t you? Not a day has passed since your post and you`ve already "bumped" it twice. Dearie me ;-)

Anyway, your problem is very likely to be related to Macrovision copy protection. Are you connecting your PS2 to your TV directly, or via a VCR? To get rid of the problem, you need to connect it directly to the TV, or alternatively use a Macrovision remover such as the Sonel Mac Master (£30) between the PS2 and VCR. See for details.


RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

Stubbs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 20:36

yah soz, im used to message boards that get replies within 10-30 mins, and im connecting it Via the VCR as my TV is rather Old and doesnt have Scart or Component sockets.

I want to geta new TV for my room but i dont have a large budget, £400-500, and i dont know which set to get since i dont need a "great" TV in my Room, but i dont want a crappy one either

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