Info and forum posts by 'Stubbs'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 11:49, Last used: Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 11:49

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: i am immortal i have inside me blood of kings

This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Cheapest Portable DVD Player

not that this will probelry help but a Electronics shop in Frome just down the road from where i work has a sony one on sale for £139 though i havent been able to find any info or reviews on the model so its probelry ancient

Flatscreen does it make a diffrence

im getting a new tv soon, and im having difficulty chosing a set,

one thing ii was wondering is,

Does Flatscreen make a diffrence and is it worth the extra cost???

RE: Best Widescreen Under £600

thanks for the advice on 32"s but i dont have the room for a 32", even a 28" is ushing it sisewise (i have a narrow staircase leading to my room that is too narrow for 32"s to get up, but its jus about fine for 28"s

i looked at the dk1 (i think maybe dk2) in curreys the other day, it didnt look to bad (other than the currys price)

Best Widescreen Under £600

does anyone have any recomendations on the best 28" widescreen thats under 600 odd quid to buy I allready have an av set up so i wont be wasting extra money on stuff like built in Dolby Digital etc

Ive looked at the Phillips 6006 my only worry about this is ive heard of recent philips having screen probs where blocks of colour appear on screen for no reason

The Toshiba Z06b, which ive heard is exactly the same as the highly rated Z07b but without the built in dolby digital, and with a 100 mhz screen rather than a 50mhz screen

The Toshiba Z13B and some panasonics (Pl10 i think)

will the be any noticiable diffrence between a curved and a flat screen (and what are the benefits of each) and what is the diffrence between 50mhz and 100mhz?

what do you guys think of te models ive listed and what do you think are the best 28" widescreens you can get for under £600

RE: Are the any Diffrences between 28

could you email the review to utslaguodagem[at]moc.liamtoh all i get when i try to look at any part of that site is a page cannot be found screen

RE: Are the any Diffrences between 28" and 32" tvs that are the same Model

that sight isnt working, nowhere has a review of the 28" one it seems :(

RE: The Most Embarrasing DVD in Your Collection??

id have to say the most embarasing DVD in my Collection is the R2 Transformers the movie, i loved the series and the film when i was a kind (the film is still cool) but the Disc is awful and is beyond a joke, it starts off with some BBC i love last week thing that autoplays and takes forever to skip through as it wont go straight to the menu whatever i hit, and when it finally gets to the menu (which is the best bit of the disc) it plays a menu intro filled with the brilliantly remasterd footage from the r1 version that looks stunning, but then when you begin the film the image is almost as bad quality as the vhs version i have, and the sound claims to be a surrond mix but its a garbled lump of sound coming from all directions at the same time,

and then theres the "features", they have a gallary of fan art that moves at its own ind shateringly slow pace with a background track that some dj his created from Spikes oh s*** line in the movie, a badly dubbed episode of the japenise Tansformers series Headmsters and the aility to watch the god awful i love 1984 segment (which also a voice over that has nothing but contempt for what its talking about)

god i wish i could play R1 discs so i could get a decent DVD of one of my Fav childhood movies rather than this godawful piece of trash that maverick took nearly a year to transfer from a great quality r1 packages to the worst DVD known to man

RE: Alternate Ending to Die Hard With A Vengence? Cant Find It!

the alternate ending is under the option commentry for some reason, you can either watch the ending with a commentry from the screenwriter or without a commentry by hitting enter on comentry off,

it took me a while searching to find it as it was the thing i wanted to see the most (other than the movie that is) I even found the easter egg gag reel before I hit the commentry option

Are the any Diffrences between 28" and 32" tvs that are the same Model

and by that i dont just mean 1 is 4" larger :p

i need to get a new TV and i was looking at the 28" Toshiba 28Z13B, but i can only find reviews for the 32Z13B,

will it be exactly the same tv only smaller or do the smaller tvs also have a lower spec than the bigger ones

and just as a sidenote does anyone have Z13B of any size or know anyone that does, what do you think of them

RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

yah soz, im used to message boards that get replies within 10-30 mins, and im connecting it Via the VCR as my TV is rather Old and doesnt have Scart or Component sockets.

I want to geta new TV for my room but i dont have a large budget, £400-500, and i dont know which set to get since i dont need a "great" TV in my Room, but i dont want a crappy one either

RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

oh comeone, someone at least make some coment, even if you dont have a clue whats wrong with it,

RE: DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

someone must know whats wrong and how to fix it,

DVD Playback Prob with Ps2

hey, i just got a ps2 the games are all fine but when i try to play DVDs the screen goes from Normal to dark randomly, (often long peroids of really dark playback playback that fades to normal colours then jumps back to the dark again, (the sounds Fine theres no probs with that)

the DVD Playback isnt to important as ive got a DVD Player in the lounge allready and this is for my Room, but it would be really nice to be able to watch my Collection in my Room,

Help Major Widescreen Problem

for some reason when i play DVDs they dont appear in Widescreen, (i only recently forund out after playing the T2 DVD and noticing that the information bits in the Terminator Vision bits went off the edges of the Screen),

im not sure whats going on, the setup on my DVD info says its running 16:9 not 4:3 or 4:3 Letterbox and TV Programs work in widescreen Corectly

My DVD is the Sony NS300 something and my TV is a Sony 32" Widescreen that was top of the line about 3-4 years ago when we got it, the DVD is connected to the TV via the AV2 Scart Socket (my Sky Digital is using the AV1 Socket)

does anyone know whats wrong and any reasons its not giving widescreen DVD playback


RE: Are there any Sony Multiregion Hacks?

do you know any reputable companys that chip them

i know its just a entry level player but it is a damn good player i just want to get decent dvds, like the r1 predator not the edited to buggery r2 version

Are there any Sony Multiregion Hacks?

Hi, my Parents got me a Sony NS3000 DVD player for my 18th Birthday in may, i have been looking to get some DVDs imported from the US but i havent been able to find any kind of Multi region hacks for any Sonys at all,

i cant exactly go and get another player since it would proberly really upset my parents since they thought they got me a good DVD player



is this company reliable

since im thinking of buying a few things off em