Page 1 of Who`s the best in layer changing? (Pioneer DV- 535, Sony DVP-S335?)

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Who`s the best in layer changing? (Pioneer DV- 535, Sony DVP-S335?)

lievn (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2000, 15:18

The Pioneer 535 looks like a good deal, but I read that it`s not that fast in changing layers.

The Sony would be better at this.
This is the only real reason why I would prefer the Sony.

I was wondering if u could tell me if layer changes are noticeable and if so, if it`s noticeable in an irritating way.
Since I haven`t got any experience with (stand alone) DVD players yet, I would realy appreciate the advice.

By the way, where is the layer change in one of the following movies (region 2)?:

The Matrix
Deep Blue Sea
The Sixth Sense

So I can see for myself if the change is realy that irritating...

Thanks in advance.
and if u want to contact me -> nveil[at]moc.oohay

RE: Who`s the best in layer changing? (Pioneer DV- 535, Sony DVP-S335?)

Darrell (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2000, 16:05

I`ve mentioned in another post that the layer change on the Pioneer 535 seems slow - at least on Sheryl Crow`s live concert disc. And there is absolutely no pause on the layer change on the same disc in my old Proline.

At least on this disc, the layer change is between songs, so it`s not really annoying. You would hope that any DVD software producer would put the layer change between scenes on a movie or between songs on a music disc - but I`m sure that there are discs out there with the layer change in very inconvenient and annoying places.

I`m afraid I`ve not seen the Sony player, so I don`t know how its layer change compares.


RE: Who`s the best in layer changing? (Pioneer DV- 535, Sony DVP-S335?)

lievn (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 19th November 2000, 18:04

Thanks for the word of advice.
Have u noticed the layer change on other DVD`s too?


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