Info and forum posts by 'Darrell'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 24th October 2000, 20:41, Last used: Tuesday, 24th October 2000, 20:41

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Who`s the best in layer changing? (Pioneer DV- 535, Sony DVP-S335?)

I`ve mentioned in another post that the layer change on the Pioneer 535 seems slow - at least on Sheryl Crow`s live concert disc. And there is absolutely no pause on the layer change on the same disc in my old Proline.

At least on this disc, the layer change is between songs, so it`s not really annoying. You would hope that any DVD software producer would put the layer change between scenes on a movie or between songs on a music disc - but I`m sure that there are discs out there with the layer change in very inconvenient and annoying places.

I`m afraid I`ve not seen the Sony player, so I don`t know how its layer change compares.


RE: Pioneer DV535

I`ve just got a 535 - I`m very pleased with the picture and particularly the sound quality. One thing though - the layer change (on Sheryl Crow`s live concert disc) takes about 1 second. On my old Proline it is instantaneous and unnoticable. Is this the same for other 530/535 owners?

Mine was from Sevenoaks Sound and Vision in Hove (Brighton), with their own (automatic) "BAS" multi-region mod. Does anyone know about this mod?


RE: yamaha dsp-a5/remote code for proline dvd?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to control the Proline (or Wharfedale) DVD player with the Yamaha A5 remote. These DVD players use a strange "alternating code" remote control system. It is possible (if a little difficult) to persuade a learning remote control such as the Cambridge M500 to control them. See the following thread over at the DVD forums.



RE: Budget DVD Player or not?

The Proline is available from Comet or Woolworths. It is advertised as VCD version 1.1 and 2.0 compatible.

Its worst feature is the remote control - both the design of the handset and the fact that the remote sensor seems to be so far buried in the depths of the display window that you need to be directly in front of the machine and pointing the remote straight at it for it to work. But I can easily live with this for £150.

It also does output DTS bitstream - even though this is not mentioned anywhere in the documentation.

There is a small problem, though - maybe a fault on my machine - on 4:3 discs and anamorphic discs where the actual picture is 16:9 and not some wider ratio (ie it should fill the TV screen), the picture on my widescreen TV has a small black bar at bottom of the screen. Does anyone else have this, either with the Proline or other players?



RE: PROLINE DVD1000 Hack: Is multi-region feature future proof or Region 0?

My Proline responds to 0,1,2,3, Play for Multi-Region and Zoom,Return for R2 only.

As far as firmware is concerned, I am led to believe that the relevent details are:

Proline DVD1000
Rev. PDF25_1116_1_3
C/S 3E51 - U1

let`s hope (for my sake) that this is RCE-proof.
