Page 1 of Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

Hardware Forum

Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

Banksy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 12:54

Since I can`t find a tv that I like that has 3 Scart (2 RGB) it looks like having to purchase one with 2 Scart (1 RGB) and therefore buy a Scart switch. I have a Tosh 210E multiregion, About to buy a 50Hz flat 28" or 32" widescreen tv.

Decision is do I share the RGB Scart between DVD & Sky OR have DVD dedicated to RGB and share Sky & VCR with the non RGB Scart ?

I`d read somewhere that the benefits of RGB with Sky aren`t as much as with DVD, Is this true ?

I want to buy a really good fully wired 21 pin Scart (eg QED, Ixos etc) and therefore would would need 3 of these at £40+ each if I was to go down the sharing RGB route to connect via Scart switch - Question Do you lose performance when going via a Scart switch ? (Theoretically you do, but to the human eye ??????)

If the answer to this is yes and/or the benefits of RGB Sky are marginal at best then I`d rather simply buy video only RGB cable direct between DVD & RGB Scart and then share the non RGB Scart between Sky & VCR

Anyone tried this or doing this ? Suggestions & Help please................

RE: Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 16:22

I`ve got a Tosh 210 and a Hitachi 28" TV with 2 scarts but only one RGN capable.
I`ll give you the advice myself and three mates were given, and has proven to work fantastically well on all 4 similar set-ups.
1/ Only use direct connections. 2 of us tried splitters and they were crap.
2/ Use the RGB socket for what you watch most. Probably SKY.
3/ Go for a TV that accepts S-VHS in it`s AV2 ( most of them ) and set the 210 to S-VHS.
All 3 of us have direct, ribbon, scarts from SKY to AV1 ( RGB ) and from DVD to AV2 ( S-VHS ) and we`re all delighted. We all experimented with the DVD in RGB and we all agreed that we couldn`t tell the difference between RGB and S-VHS picture quality.
There you go. Hope that helps.

RE: Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2002, 16:25

I should have said that this means you can`t use scart for VCR anymore but it`s worth it. Sorry, but everythings a compromise...
Just use RF for VCR. Who cares about VCR anyway these days !

RE: Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

lincoln sternn (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th April 2002, 00:47

yes tvs with two rgb sockets are hard to find unless you pay plenty for them anyway.
has your dvd player got two scart sockets? if so do the following
1 connect sky to rgb socket on tv
2 connect another scart lead from sky (vcr socket) to dvd player scart marked tv
3 connect another scart from dvd socket marked VCR to the in/out scart on your VCR
if done right this will mean everthing is running in rgb if you press play on video the video will play
if you switch on DVD it will cut in and play ETC
and you will lose no picture quality
sky is 100 times better in RGB as is DVD
you can still tape off sky while watching dvds it makes no difference
BUT if you have only got one scart socket on your dvd player then im afraid your screewed pal you will have to think of something else this is why i have just spent 4 days buying a new dvd player cause most cheep to mid range players only have one scart if you do have to use a double scart connector just switch off sky and it should not make any difference to picture quality
i hav currently got six things plugged into two scarts this way with no problems
hope this helps

RE: Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

R.Baldwin (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th April 2002, 09:43


You will find that at have a range of scart adapters which cover the number of sockets and the loss of signal problems.


I dont work for them but have used the site. [ very good tv transmitters for around the house.and cheap ]


RE: Sharing TV`s 1 RGB Scart Between DVD & Sky Digibox - Worth It ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 11:55

Be warned if you decide to loop your RGB through your SKY.
SKY boxes are notorious for causing problems when you do this.
I nearly returned my DVD to the shop because I thought it was buggered.It wasn`t. It was because I was looping it through my new Pace digibox.( not all makes of SKY box accept RGB looping.)
As soon as I connected it direct to the TV then it was perfect.
Someone on this forum did explain why it did this in technical terms but I don`t remember what he said.
I suppose the moto is, try it. But don`t blame the DVD player if the picture isn`t great. Try direct connection for a comparison.

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