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Hardware Forum
I`m about to get a thomson Dvd-tv but was just checking to make sure that it plays plain music cd`s. Just asking as there is no display on the front of the box and I was wondering how track selection etc works!
Also wondered whether it supported MP3 CD`s. Anyone know anything about this tv (or indeed got one!).
Just flicking back to Total DVD`s review in their September 2000 issue they note you can playback CDs but no mention made of MP3. It won`t do CD-R/CD-RW playback however, but will do VCDs.
There is a handset hack around on one of these forums too
The hack for the Thomson 24WT25ES:
Press - Eject, Forward Search and OK on the TV`s front panel simultaneously with a disc inside the deck.
RE: Thomson DVD/TV Info...
Correction on the hack there... no disc is required in the player.
Hack makes it R0, dunno if it handles RCE, but I doubt it.
And the set will NOT play MP3 or CDR etc.
(Trust me, I checked it in store! )
AIWA 370 ROCKS!!!!!!!!