Page 1 of Help Required With S-Video Output From Grundig Sky Digibox

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Help Required With S-Video Output From Grundig Sky Digibox

Banksy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th April 2002, 13:49

It has an S-Video ouput next to the audio L/R RCA outputs, I know I can buy a directionable cable which has S-Video/2 RCA at one end leading into Scart at the other to plug into my S-Video Scart on tv, Question is I only have 2 options in the Grundig`s picture menu for video output, namely PAL and RGB, Which do I choose ? or is it that once I`ve connected the cable to the S-Video output that a third option appears called S-Video ?

Dont want to spend £25+ on cable unless I know it`ll work and produce better images than Scart composite

RE: Help Required With S-Video Output From Grundig Sky Digibox

Chris Muriel (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 25th April 2002, 21:49

I haven`t checked lately but, on the original B$kyB boxes, the s-video was disabled i.e. the box`s internal software or firmware ensured that s-video never worked. Possibly this was to stop people recording (on a suitable recorder) with Macrovision copy protection defeated. The way Macrovision works (certainly for V7 macrovision) would mean that there would be no copy protection (as used on premium films).
Of course, this may have changed by now. If $ky wanted to enable it, they would do so via an over-the-air s/ware upgrade.

Chris Muriel, Manchester

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