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Your help would be most appreciated!

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 22:30

Ok, at the moment I am sort of leaning towards getting the LG DVD-3350E from technotronics.
It seems that every high street store carrys the earlier LG model and besides Technotronics is much better value for money (cheaper!)

Now first of all, I presume technotronics are a good company after reading their web site but I have a few questions anyway......

Will it come with all the relevant manuals?
Is their a manual for the region selector?
They say they have none in stock, if I order one will it be at my house before xmas or after, given they have none in stock.
Lets say I put my sky digital decoder on top of it cause of lack of space. Will there be any electrical interference?

...and one final question..........

This `fix` that they put so you can select the region. I believe that because you can select the region, so it can be 1 or 2, you wont have a problem with dvds like the patriot where it detects if its multi region.
Obviously this is not multi region but would a problem arise anyway?

I know its asking a lot but to buy something like this is a big step given that its a lot of money but you seem to all be really helpful and so I would really appreciate it if you could help me!


RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 22:35

2 more questions.......

due to it being fairly new I presume it wont have any problems with...................

1) Viewing a disc which has multiple angles
2) A disc which uses branching techniques to view extra footage etc..

RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 22:38

2 more questions.......

due to it being fairly new I presume it wont have any problems with...................

1) Viewing a disc which has multiple angles
2) A disc which uses branching techniques to view extra footage etc..

RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

daz (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 00:00

I have just had a virgin (Reigon 2) model and hacked it myself (hack available on this site) having no problems with anything,this player Rocks Big Time!!!!!!! Techtronics aint to bad, but i could not wait and paid the extra at Currys.

LG3350 Rocks Big Time!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Monday, 27th November 2000, 00:00

RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 00:19

First of all, do you need an onboard Dolby Digital decoder?

If the answer is no, then get yourself an Aiwa 370, its a 3350 without the decoder bits!

(and yes, it IS a 3350 with no components on the Dolby decoder side before anyone shouts it aint!)

And if ya want one of these, email me.. I have a supplier who can have it with ya before the weekend!

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 03:51

I`d go for the AIWA 370 over the LG anyday.

This item was edited on Monday, 27th November 2000, 03:51

RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

Steve1977 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 12:30

Unfortunatly I do need a Dolby Digital decoder as I dont have one :(

Whoever did purchase one from technotronics then please reply!

This is my e-mail if anyone else can help evetS[at]ku.oc.evreseerf.eromselle

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