Info and forum posts by 'Steve1977'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 26th November 2000, 22:17, Last used: Sunday, 26th November 2000, 22:17

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Hi

This user has posted a total of 33 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The Exorcist vs The Exorcist, version you have never seen

Yeah it seems that the original version has loads more extras (8 trailers!) but apparently the new version has had scenes touched up and the sound is the sound better? Or is it worth getting the region 2 release instead?

Criterion DVD`s

After reading numerous DVD reviews it seems some of the earlier releases have been given some special edition treatment.
Will these be released in UK?

The Exorcist vs The Exorcist, version you have never seen

Ok, a while back in UK we could go down to the cinemas once again to see The Exorcist, it had a newly restored picture and everyone rejoiced.

Then those yanks had to go one better! They released a version called "The Exorcist, version you have never seen" This contained stuff that we had never seen (duh) along with certain scenes touched up with CGI, it also had its sound re-done.

Now when I compare the extras in the two dvd`s it seems the first region 2 version has loads more extras on than the new region 1 version. Is this the case?

RE: Digital Camcorders. (sorry i know this is the wrong place)

Many of you guys helped me with advice on buying a dvd player and where possible I hope to give some of my knowledge.
I too am looking into getting a Digital Camcorder and will just say this: Get a DV camera...these are definetly the best for quality. Also make sure it has the connections for something called `Firewire` This will enable you to get a Firewire card for your pc (they are dirt cheap about 50 quid, this site does them for 60 quid)
From there you can actually upload footage to your pc and add all sorts of nifty stuff.
You can even make your own movies...upload footage, add special effects (through adobe photoshop or after effects) edit it all together with adobe premier.
As you can read there is a lot of enjoyment you will get out of it (and so will i when i get one)
go to and download a film called `duel` - this was done using a DV Camera. If you like DVD`s theres possible a tiny chance you may like watching movies ;) if you like watching movies you might think sometimes how cool it would be to make your own.
With a DV Camera you will have the best tools and will be able to produce great looking quality wise films or just family stuff if you just want it for that.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 18:54

RE: The Ultimate Toy Box – leaves big kid very upset on Christmas Day

Maybe you can return it to santa and exchange it? ;)

RE: Audio Question

So due to my system choose the choice of not down mixing it but instead putting it on the `stereo` choice.

Thanks for your help bud. :)

Audio Question

I was wondering if you have a choice between Dolby Surround, Dolby Digital 5.1 or DTS.

Well lets say you dont have a Dolby Digital Decoder (or any decoder for that matter) and you play the film with DD5.1 or DTS.
Will it be quiet in some action scenes cause the sound will be coming out of speakers/channels that are simply not there?

I, myself have a 3d Phonic JVC Television and was testing X-Men between 5.1 and `normal`. Well I on some scenes `normal` seemed to be ok and 5.1 seemed ok in other scenes. Or it could be that I just imagining it to be different I dont know.

I hope someone can answer this. Basically I need to know and so do others I believe, that if you dont have a seperate decoder are you going to get the best benefit without a decoder by setting it to Dolby Surround and not 5.1 or DTS.

RE: The one you`ve waited for...a disc that FAILS on the AIWA! :o(

I have watched these films on the AIWA370:

The Matrix

and have NEVER noticed a layer change

RE: The one you`ve waited for...a disc that FAILS on the AIWA! :o(

You had me bloody worried then!

This player is soooo good its untrue.

RE: First DVD Player

If you dont have a existing Dolby Digital decoder. Go for the AIWA, this does not have a 5.1 decoder like the LG but if you dont have a existing one its not much use.
I have seen The Matrix, X-Men and Contact on it so far and it looks flawless. No grain, no pixellation. Just superb picture and sound.

RE: Aiwa 370 problem or not

I have played X-Men region 1 on this fine machine and have had no problems. The TV is about 4 years old. When I watch region 1 I select region 1 and not Region 0.....maybe this is the problem?

To anyone wanting the LG3350......

Techtronics e-mailed me earlier stating that due to shipping problems they wont have it in stock until the new year at the earliest.

RE: Deja Vu

The Aiwa does indeed rock! Superb picture, superb sound.

RE: AIWA370 - Step 2, Putting it together

Well I wish I had a Dolby Digital amp and speakers but I havent ........All I had to do was push up the volume (still less that half way) and bingo! It was superb.

If anyone else is wondering which budget player to get, get the AIWA370! or the lg equivalent!

My Player plays x-men region 1 superbly and the sound and picture is second to none.

AIWA370 - Step 2, Putting it together

Well I have got it working and it does indeed rock!!!!!

But, when watching Videos, Terrestrial or Sky Digital the sound on our JVC Pro Logic normally comes out really loud when the volume is on, lets say 14.
But after connecting a RGB scart from the DVD to the TV, whislt the picture is good, the sound has to be turned up much louder.
I havent used the other leads that came with it. Red and White and Yellow.

I believe I must connect the red and white to the Audio Out on the back of the TV. Is this right?

RE: NTSC to Pal

This is the TV which I have:


Amongst the features it says "NTSC replay"

Could someone confirm it will play Region 1 and Region 2 Discs? I think it will but just incase.


Thank You!

If only every person was this helpful when visiting electrical shops.

Most of the time you ask someone a question and they havent the faintest idea what you are talking about. Once in dixons I was hesitant in asking a question in fear of showing the sales advisor up!

RE: Which player?

Well I dont have a player yet but its gonna be the AIWA370 for me. I did originally want a LG3350 as the picture and sound on this is phenomenal apparently. Unfortunatly the player itself is so difficult to get that I will be getting the AIWA370 as it has identical parts and the same phenomenal picture and sound quality.
Ok it doesent have the dolby digital 5.1 decoder but if you dont have a original dolby digital amp then its no use at all.

*Steve will find out tommorow if indeed the AIWA does rock!*

Aiwa and LG

ok...sorry to keep posting about this but.........:

Iit has been said that the Aiwa and LG3350 are exactly the same machine minus a Dolby Digital 5.1 and a scart socket. But when I click on the features at comets web site then Aiwa doesent have as many `features` as the LG3200! or the samsung 511 or the Toshiba SD100!

Whats going on?

The aiwa it appears does not have the 10 bit video D/A converter amongst other things like being able to see multiple angles.
Is this just crap comet sense? or are they telling the truth?

Toshiba SD100E

...and then another player enters the fray!

This available at comet for 199 quid. I have heard the picture quality is superb and also has great sound. Is this the case? Anyone know where I can get some reviews of it?


Maybe someone here works in a electrical shop, if so...........have you seen both machines playing the same it exactly the same?

Basically I am gonna purchase this if someone can answer genuinly that the Aiwa370 has exactly the same picture as the LG3350

Samsung 511

It seems that when I have decided on one player...another one crops up!

First I decided on the LG3350 then on the AIWA 370 now the:


What is this machine like? Anyone know where I can get reviews of it?


After reading various older posts some people stated that this is the same as the LG3200 and not the LG 3350. Is this the case?


RE: Help me....your my only hope

Will the picture be exactly the same?

Help me....your my only hope

ok, techtronics eta of the lg3350 is now 28th december. I really wanted a player before xmas the Aiwa exactly the same?

Support for DTS, Dolby Digital? Is the interface exactly the same?

and more importantly are the parts exactly the same? do you cancel an order with techtronics? ;)

Anamorphic on.... 4:3 TV`s?

ok, I havent gone completely mad but, does anamorphic mode work on TV`s with a 16:9 button?
I ask this cause if it doesent the black bars will be much thicker to keep the correct ratio but if anamorphic does work when tv`s are switched to 16:9 mode it will only have the original and much smaller black bars on the top and bottom.

Is it possible? Anyone tried it?

Techtronics availability

At the moment they say they have the LG 3350 out of stock and the ETA is 15th December.......

Now I read a post stating they had 500 in on 22nd November, there or there abouts. Have all these gone? or have they just not updated the web site?

If I order one now will it be delivered by xmas do you think?

thanks in advance.

Analogue or Stereo?

Whislt browsing through a UK magazine called DVD Shopper I came across the layout of the LG3350E.
Now on the back it stated Stereo Audio for two sockets at the back.....yet when I look at the layout of the LG3350 at techntronics it states that its Analogue Audio.

Am I missing something here?

RE: Your help would be most appreciated!

Unfortunatly I do need a Dolby Digital decoder as I dont have one :(

Whoever did purchase one from technotronics then please reply!

This is my e-mail if anyone else can help evetS[at]ku.oc.evreseerf.eromselle

RE: Which LG 3350

Whats the sprinter upgrade?