Page 1 of Had a blast on COD WAW Nazi Zombies tonight....

MAD Forum

Had a blast on COD WAW Nazi Zombies tonight....

MAD Jazpa (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 10th March 2010, 00:13

Forgot how good this is.

Amazingly only 22,000 people online though. 

If this game has come down in price, I would recommend purely for the Nazi zombie levels....

RE: Had a blast on COD WAW Nazi Zombies tonight....

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 11th March 2010, 08:08

might pick it up at some point... not too keen on WW type fps`s though tbh.


RE: Had a blast on COD WAW Nazi Zombies tonight....

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 11th March 2010, 09:43

i have it, but when i tried to play, it kept trying to put me on maps that i didn`t have, & when i went looking for the presumably free map pack (i say presumably free, cos i figured the lobby would be inteligent enough to look at the maps i have installed ;/)  but alas,  they wanted £20 for the map pack !!!!!!!  only paid £12 for the game itself lol..

Forever <M.A.D>

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