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Page 1 of Setting up a new pc!

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Setting up a new pc!

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 05:34

Following on from an earlier thread I have now purchased my PC and I need to set it up. This is the first time I have bought one without stuff already installed on it. I will be using XP as my operating system but wanted to know if anyone had any general tips on setting my PC up right in the first place rather than trying to fix it later.

I had considered splitting the hard disk so I have a drive for software installations and one for saving stuff (with a 160Gb hard disk I had firgured 40Gb for the installations..any better ideas?). Is there any software that makes de-installation at a later date easier and is there anything else I should consider?


I`m too old for this sh*t!

RE: Setting up a new pc!

Postcards (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 07:25

A handy site to read before you jump in feet first ...

I usually split my hard drive into multiple partitions. I`m not sure if it`s more efficient for the system, but it sure is easier finding stuff when you begin to fill up that space (God bless Broadband).

If you can get a hold of Partition Magic, it`s very handy for this kind of stuff.


RE: Setting up a new pc!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 09:43

As previously stated by me somewhere else, how I have mine set up

Two Partition for OS & apps. (Win98\2000) You will only need one obviously.
One Partition for data.
One partition for temp work, downloads or anything you wont miss.
Unpartitioned space

A second drive with Drive Image or Ghost application that holds regularly updated images of both the Data & OS partitions.

Move the paging file to the second HDD, see Windows Help for further details.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 10:46

RE: Setting up a new pc!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 13:55

Being the contrary person i am, I just cannot see the need for that many partitions. 1 for the OS and 1 for everything else is more than enough. A reasonably organised filing system totally does away with the need for more.

The average user just doesnt need that many partitions. Can you tell me what, in your opinion, are the advantages of partitioning off a drive for temp work, as opposed to having a temp folder? If your HD crashes you still lose data no matter how many partitions you have.

Sorry if i sound rude, but i have quite a lot of experience in this field and have found that 1 partition for the OS and one for Data, coupled with an Organised filing system is more than enough as it provides data protection against OS corruption.

In my opinion any more than 2 partitions are only neccessary if you have multiple users and program sharing permissions and to stop a process eating up all your HD space.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 14:57

RE: Setting up a new pc!

Riggs (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 14:16

Hi Nick, I don`t want to make it too complicated so will go for the 1 partition option. Can I handle that with XP or is it better using a specific 3rd party program? Also what do you reckon for a split (40/120?) and can I change it after?
Finally, is there any way of more effectively removing software that you no longer want/use without leaving all the tat behind, and is there anything else I need to consider?


I`m too old for this sh*t!

RE: Setting up a new pc!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 14:53

Reasons to be cheerful part III.

2.53Ghz PC 512 Mb DVD writer 80Gb HDD

Two partitions for OS & apps: Win98\2000 Dual Boot

Win 98 is a general purpose partition that the wife & kids can "play around with" install silly apps & games while I am away during the working week & is non critical. Short of deletion of the partition the system is useable.

Win 2000 partition is business critical to me holds e-mails relating to business & personal (Outlook.ost file is backed up weekly as well to second drive), related apps.
All users of the PC have their own profile on this, wife & kids only have user rights.

One partition for data pictures of the wife & kids & important documents.
One partition for temp work in progress aka Ripped files of DVD backups.
Unpartitioned space: Install space for if if I ever feel tempted to give Linux a go or fancy trying XP.

At the end of the day (well weekend just before I depart back to Kent) I only need back up the Win 2K OS, Outlook.ost & the data partition to the second drive. Note to self: I really should back up more often to removeable media.

Everyone has their own needs & requirements, mine was set up to give a certain degree of flexabilty of use, keep the machine running especially during my week long absenses working away & should a major failure occur of the Primary, a rapid restore of the OS(s) & data if need be to the last saved point ie last Sunday.

In the house theres are also a AST P200 (backed up to its own second drive), ancient Toshiba laptop, Compaq Presario laptop, Cyrix 300 Tower (recently rebuilt may replace the AST which will be sold on) & one or two others I may get around to making functional. All can be connected to the net via Router & hub, these are primarily for net access only.

My laptop in Kent almost mirrors the home PC, dual boot, data, temp & backup partitions (single drive) the data in the image partition is also burned to RW DVD.

I agree that Riggs will most likely only need a primary OS & data partition, after that its down to his personal requirements. I have allowed 10Gb for Win98 & from memory 20Gb for Win 2K & apps, the rest of the drive I split into roughly equal chunks. As I speak the Win 98 partition is nearly full of crop the wife & kids have filled it with, while Win2K sits at about 15Gb unused.

Riggs you will be able to allocate OS partition size during install & then use disc administrator to partition the rest of the drive once XP is installed.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 16:13

RE: Setting up a new pc!

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 18:07

And i would add that your OS partition only needs to be 5 or 6 gig. You need room for the OS and Its good housekeeping to put drivers on there too, for concurrency.

Yeah, i agree that in your situation Rassilon that it is probably the best bet on Win98 to partition away, especially if you have key business stuff on there. But the degree of flexibility XP (and 2k to a certain extent) gives you, I think partitions are a bit archaic. With multiple user profiles, folder passwording and the like you can keep data safe enough from prying eyes and set up limits to different users.

But, as they say, whatever suits you best. I bet if I had a load of kids poking round my business machine i would have seperate HD`s, never mind partitions!

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Setting up a new pc!

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 20:35

Well as stated there are other machines dotted about the study & bedrooms, but everyone wants to use Daddies faster PC & as hes not here. ;)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th July 2004, 21:36

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