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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Fatal Error

Skyvan (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 12:01

Every time The PC [XP Pro] boots up a message informing me that the system has recovered from a fatal error, do I want to send details to Microsoft.

I say no, the computer then carries on and seems to work OK The PC shuts down OK when required.

The error occured after installing an Adaptec USB device to import analogue video, this crashed the PC after 5 mins importing video, Removed the Drivers & software, now giving the above message all the time

How can I stop it telling me, I`ve switched off the automatic Error Reporting to no avail

Anyone got an ideas

Should I use the repair Windows option? Reinstall? a bit drastic

RE: Fatal Error

cynic (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 14:54

did you download the latest drivers from the website for this device or just install from a cd ?
If from a cd then it might be worth checking for newer drivers and installing those

RE: Fatal Error

Skyvan (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 15:51

Installed from the CD the driver was v1.2 have downloaded the new v1.3

I want to clear this Fatal Error Message before trying again

XP does not have SP1 or SP2 installed, but manual says that SP1 can cause problems and gives alternative versions of system files to download, so I`m assuming that the vanilla version of XP should be OK

RE: Fatal Error

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 4th January 2005, 18:57

System Restore back before the problem, then install SP2 (if SP1 causes problem, SP2 might have ironed them out). Then try the installation of the newer drivers.



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