Page 1 of looking for a nokia 6230 cheap

PCs & Mobiles Forum

looking for a nokia 6230 cheap

fender62 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st January 2005, 19:23

anyone know who`s doing a cheap deal on a nokia 6320 pay as you go just the phone etc

RE: looking for a nokia 6230 cheap

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st January 2005, 19:30

Orange Online - £169.99. Unless I`m mistaken (I can be sometimes) that`s about the cheapest available ATM.


RE: looking for a nokia 6230 cheap

Reestit Mutton (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st January 2005, 19:31

Oops...Now I`m not sure what you actually asked for as your post actually says 6320 but the subject line says 6230.

My previous response relates to a 6230.


RE: looking for a nokia 6230 cheap

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 21st January 2005, 20:05

My previous response relates to a 6230.

and that was a damn good price, cheapest i could find one was £200 a fortnight ago for the wife (had mine for nearly 12 months, super phone btw)

general nobody @

This item was edited on Friday, 21st January 2005, 20:08

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