Page 1 of Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 13:07

Im in the market for a new phone and was considering a 6230i on O2 until i started reading some of the deals that `3` are offering.......very difficult to ignore from a financial point of view - like the 6680 and the cashback and all the other gubbins.....

I am aware that the 3 network is crap - or has it improved? whats their customer services like? If anyone can help many thanks in advance

No Humping Stormtroopers here.......

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

sheffieldpenguin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 13:41

I`ve had a 3 mobile for about 6 months now and had no problems - or should I say no more problems than I had with Virgin. As you say from a financial point of view its brilliant.


RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

skyboot (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 14:04

Well we are happy with 3. We are running 4 phones and no problem for us and that ranges from Ullapool to The Lakes to Shropshire, not exactly the big cities are they!
I`m a convert to the Moto A1000. Lovely little PDA/phone and with integral aGPS." target="_blank">this deal¦ select handset. (referral link btw) Lots of support from online forums with apps and advice too.
Some good deals at e2save

This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 15:17

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 14:23

Just to echo the above-7 months in here-no problem at all with their service. The only slight bugbear was not really 3`s fault. As i`d not had a contract phone before, CPW told me 3 wanted £150 deposit befire they`d start my contract, but also said that it would be refunded `within 6 months-one 3 see you are paying your bills ok`. I accepted that, but when I hadn`t it back after 6 months, I phoned 3, and they said they don`t refund until the end of the contract (i.e. 12 months)-I told them that their agents are giving out false information and they thought I was complaining to them about it-I wasn`t, I just wanted them to be aware of CPW misrepresenting them, but I couldn`t get that through to them-I assume, from the accents that their help lines are somewhere in India

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

The Minister (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 16:31

This is my second year with them and the only problem i have had is understanding the customer services when i have called (only twice)

(Click for Uncensored version)

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 16:50

coll - the man in the orange shop slegged em off rotten and said the 3 network still cuts out when going from 3g to 2g but i`m gonna go for it i said before from a financial point of view its too good to ignore......500xnet mins for half the price the others charge for 200 minutes - just makes sense!

No Humping Stormtroopers here.......

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

mc7t (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 17:35

I`ve been with them since jan this year & no problems either. :)

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

rvshah (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 08:38

I have two 3 phones and they are ok, recpetion is not a patch on Orange even in London where it is at its strongest. Yes I went for the cheapness, but after these contracts finish I will probably go back to one of the premium companies so to speak.

Customer services is rubbish, if you have to text abroad it probably won`t get there but you will get a delivery report.

Yes the phones do cut out when you change from 3G to 2G or whatever it does, but often it cuts out even when I havent moved position!!!! In my house on one sofa I get no reception on the other I get 3 or 4 bars (could just be my lead sofa though)!!!

Yes they are cheap I pay £5 a month once I get my cashback, but the phones are a bit rubbish they are getting better though (I do hate Nokias). As for battery life rubbish on my LG 8138 phone and the most stupid phone in the world the Nokia 7600!!!

So all in all good for saving money bad for actually using one and owning one!!!

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 21:23

ok i ordered it this afternoon! Nokia 6680 with stack of cashback - basically works out at 600 x net mins per month for £15 - thats awesome!

No Humping Stormtroopers here.......

RE: Anyone got a mobile on `3`? whats it like now?

jumpine (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th June 2005, 16:24

If anyone`s interested in reading up more on the A1000, there`s a review here which might be useful:

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