Page 1 of Duron 1.8 help
PCs & Mobiles Forum
Hello to all,
I have a bit of a problem, I think. I have just swapped my duron 1.3 with a duron 1.8, but on boot up it is showing as a duron 1.35 ? anyone got any ideas?
The Duron 1,8 needs to run at 133 bus speed with 2x clock multiplier. Can you tell me which motherboard and BIOS version you are using? Some motherboards will not support it.
I suspect that your BIOS is set to run at 100 Mhz bus speed which is why you are only getting 75% of the clock speed.
Thanks for the reply,
My motherboard ia a Matsonic MS8157e, and I have just updated the bios, jul 2004. I have checked the bios and it is set to auto, I have altered it to 266 but it did not seem to make any difference. The board does support 266 fsb, I cant fathom it out.
Try setting it to 133 bus speed and 13.5x clock multiplier
Changed the jumpers, now firing on all cylinders, thanks for the help.