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Page 1 of belkin wireless modem and router

PCs & Mobiles Forum

belkin wireless modem and router

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 1st November 2005, 18:57

I purchased a belkin wireless modem and router and it keeps disconnecting from my pc after a few minutes and I get the message appear on my pc saying `widows cannot connect to the network`
Can anyone advice me on how to solve this as it is very frustrating having to keep reconnecting all the time.


RE: belkin wireless modem and router

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd November 2005, 09:14

Any other wireless kit video senders, wireless phones in the house or next door (either side, across the street or at the house at the bottom of the garden for that matter).

Try getting into the configuration page & changing the operating channel on the router or changing the operating channel on other wireless kit in the house.

Wireless kit problems can be like a punch from the invisable man ie you are knocked out by it & have no idea where its coming from.

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd November 2005, 09:18

RE: belkin wireless modem and router

DJPARTYBOY (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd November 2005, 19:46

I have got a cordless phone in the house, so could that serously be causing the problem. How do I go about changing the settings? And if I do manage to change it there is still no guarantee that someone else across the road having the same settings and still interfering again. Is wireless worth having if it causes this much trouble?


RE: belkin wireless modem and router

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd November 2005, 21:59

I have got a cordless phone in the house, so could that serously be causing the problem. How do I go about changing the settings?

Read the manual for the phone &\or log on via a wired connection to the router, hopefully there should be a option somewhere in the wireless settings to change the channel used. I don`t have a Belkin unit so can`t tell you exactly where to go.

Phones\Video senders typically have four channels available to them AFAIK, my router has 13 when I glanced at it last week.

It could equally be another wireless network, can you spot it on your wireless laptop (it may be hidden ie not broadcasting its SSID).

Concentrate on changing one device operation only, since the routers giving the problem thats the one to try (dont forget to save & reboot the unit for the changes to take effect, its the work of moments to do this).

Is wireless worth having if it causes this much trouble?

Every case is different & thats a decision only you can make ultimately, but I expect the problem to become more common as more & more people use more & more wireless devices using the 2.4Ghz band.

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

RE: belkin wireless modem and router

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 00:29

hopefully there should be a option somewhere in the wireless settings to change the channel used. I don`t have a Belkin unit so can`t tell you exactly where to go.

Type into your browser address bar and click on go or press enter.

On the page that loads you need to enter the password you used when you set up the router and click submit then you will be into the settings pages.

On the left hand menu underneath Wireless click on the channel and SSID tab that will open up another page where the first item will be channel number or Wireless Channel as it is marked , click on the drop down box to change to another channel and then click on apply changes.

I`m not 100% sure but I think you have to change the settings on your wireless adapters and or cards to match the channel set.

If you get stuck you can call Belkin support on 0800 22355460 and they will talk you through it.

P.s. I assume you have a manual for it , if not download one from here and check out pages 21 , 26 and 37 for more detail.

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 00:52

RE: belkin wireless modem and router

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 09:22

Type into your browser address bar and click on go or press enter.

On the page that loads you need to enter the password you used when you set up the router and click submit then you will be into the settings pages.

I`d assumed foolishly he knew how to get that far. ;)

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

RE: belkin wireless modem and router

snappyone (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th November 2005, 08:58

I`m not sure what is causing this, but I have a similar decvice from them and their tech support was excellent when I called them. They talked me through the whole thing and now I have 3 macs and 2 pc, all on the same network. If u havent tried their support, then give it a go. When I used it, it was even a freephone number. Ocasionally you might get someone not so clued up, in which cas, I would call back in the hope of getting someone else.

Good luck

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RE: belkin wireless modem and router

lawton49 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 6th November 2005, 15:02

You could try entering the settings menu and changing the disconnet time settings,mine was set to disconnect after 5 minutes of inactivity.A guide is available here
Hope this helps

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