Page 1 of Improving Audio On A MPG File... HELP

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Improving Audio On A MPG File... HELP

MrBenn (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th June 2006, 13:01


I`ve gaot a MPG video file which is of an old VHS tape transfer.

The audio is quiet and has a bit of hiss through it.

Is there any way/software that I can use to improve/remove the hissing?

I think I would need to seperate the audio from the video, run the audio file through my `cleaning lab` software then put the audio back together with the video!?!?!?!?!

Does anybody have any idea what software I should use to do this?

Thanks in advance.


RE: Improving Audio On A MPG File... HELP

Chug a Bug (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th June 2006, 13:40

Yes you will need to to demux the audio and video first. You could use TMPGenc free version or you could try VOBedit.

The audio will need to be processed with a filter such as with Audacity`s but it`ll need to converted to a .wav file first. BeSweet with the BeLight GUI is just about the best audio converter software out there and it`s free too. You`ll need the appropriate codecs for MP2 or AC3 audio because it`ll most likely be one of those.

Once you`ve done that you`ll need to remux the video and audio with TMPGenc again or IFOedit.

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