Info and forum posts by 'Chug a Bug'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 17:51, Last used: Thursday, 5th August 2010, 17:31

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 527 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.07 messages a day, or 0.5 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Firefox not showing all images on BBC-FIXED-thanks!

Edit: Never mind.

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th August 2006, 20:00

RE: how do I stop internet from disconnecting after few minutes away?

I used to be on NTL dialup and was always disconnected if I wasn`t "active" for more than a minute or too.. its their way of getting rid of you if they think you`re not busy. I fixed it with a program called Connection Keeper which pings the server every few seconds and basically pretends that you`re still active. Sounds like their broadband is just as bad.

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RE: avi file reducing

Yeah overburning the CD should be fine. I`ve overburned 710mb with no problems.

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RE: help installing ram

Do you have any information on what motherboard you have? Some RAM sticks by some manufacturers are simply not compatible with some boards.

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RE: Building a new pc -------Again---------

Any comments? Yeah, go for it. I built my PC a couple of years ago and I`ve never looked back. ;)

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RE: Editing tags on mp3 files

Use Winamp. Best MP3 player around and use it to change tags too.

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RE: Problem with nero backup.

I use Norton Ghost 2003 for backups, never had problem yet.

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RE: Woolly Mammoth - I want one!

Jesus this news has been knocking around for years and no-one has ever succeeded. Why on earth have they brought this up now? MSN news really is a load of old tosh. :o

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RE: Visiting the states -passport visa issues

I`ve flown to the US a couple of times since 9/11 and yes I can confirm that you apply for a visa waiver whilst onboard the plane. They hand out the forms, it`s a white sheet. Hint: bring a biro with you they don`t supply them. ;) I think you need at least 3 months left on your passport or something.

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RE: Pipex just phoned free upgrade

Yeah they`ll want you to sign up for a minimum of a one year contract and you can`t cancel, if you do they`ll charge you for the rest of the entire year`s subscription!

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RE: burning mds/mdf files

Alcohol 120% is DVD burning software I use that for burning .mdf images I wouldn`t trust Nero with that.

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RE: Improving Audio On A MPG File... HELP

Yes you will need to to demux the audio and video first. You could use TMPGenc free version or you could try VOBedit.

The audio will need to be processed with a filter such as with Audacity`s but it`ll need to converted to a .wav file first. BeSweet with the BeLight GUI is just about the best audio converter software out there and it`s free too. You`ll need the appropriate codecs for MP2 or AC3 audio because it`ll most likely be one of those.

Once you`ve done that you`ll need to remux the video and audio with TMPGenc again or IFOedit.

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RE: Why can`t i drive properly?

hen i moved onto TOCA 3 which doesn`t seem quite as hard as Forza but still, there are issues. For Example, give me a front wheel drive car and i`ll hammer it around any circuit, same with the F1`s but anything else is a bloody nightmare. The go-karts just want to do donuts all the time which is fun for all of 5 minutes, the buggies explode as soon as you hit anything and the classic rally cars handle like blocks of ice.

Is it simply a case of persistance or should i give up and go back to MC, NFS, GTA:SA?

It`s definately a case of persistance. I bought the game last week and finished 40% of it the same evening. Last year when I bought TOCA 2 it took me a year to finish it! It`s simply a case of experiance, I think. Even though the cars physics feel a little different the same braking points and techniques for F/F or F/R cars still apply. The rallycross events etc are still ridiculously easy I won the Monster Trucks event at the first attempt etc whereas the tarmac races are still much harder. There is a career choice you can make and some are definately easier than others.

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This item was edited on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 20:36

RE: What classic 80s game(s) would you like released for your games machine?

I can still play all my old 80`s games and plenty more, I just use an emulator on my PC. And I don`t even have to pay for them now they`re so old no-one can be bothered to enforce copyright on them anymore.

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RE: Hacked MSN / Passport account

Yeh I have to agree I knew someone who had their hotmail account hacked and it was via the backdoor i.e. the Secret Question rather than via the frontdoor i.e the Password.

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RE: WTF is wrong with British drivers?

If you`re stuck in a queue behind a slow car in front has it ever occured to you that they`re going slow for a reason?

I`ll tell you why. Once I was at the front of a convoy of traffic heading up over the bypass. I was doing 30mph. Why? Because any faster than that and the road that was covered with packed snow and ice was making the car was slide all over the road and there was no way I was going to crash the car just because some moron behind is jamming his bumper up my tailpipe. Thats the point.

As soon we were over the top and the road improved I had a whole pile of vehicles overtake mouthing every four letter word and giving the one and two fingered salute at me as they went past.

I gave them same back but it made me really angry. If we`d stopped I was so wound up I`d have gotten out and had a punch up. >:(

The point is people behind only see the slow car in front of them they don`t have to make the decision about safety and the conditions.

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RE: Antivirus & Firewall question

They`ll work ok but it`s worth thinking of a modem router it`s hardware firewall is more secure than a software one and it won`t use up your computer`s resources.

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RE: Where to get the best Travel Insurance?

Take a look here. Saved myself a fortune recently (£65 internet access, £72 Sky subs, free evening phone calls and £100 from my car insurance) from these guides recently. The man is God as far as I`m concerned:,24889,

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This item was edited on Saturday, 18th February 2006, 20:45

RE: Andreas Katsulas - G`Kar, The one armed man & Tomalak

Man thats sad. I was watching ST:TNG the other day and thought "thats G`Kar." I remember watching one of the interviews on the DVD extras mentioning on the B5 stages Andreas was always hanging around outside smoking like a chimney. I guess it finally caught up with him. :(

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RE: ToucanSurf = S***

Toucan are a reseller for Tiscali so their service is just as crap as them. Avoid at all costs.

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RE: ARRGH! First wasp of the year?

We just had a wasp buzzing around the office. Is this the first sighting of the little bastards this year? why so damn early?

The queen`s start emerging soon given some warm weather. The little beggers fly off to start a new nest somewhere. They`re bigger than the workers that emerge later in the season. They can sting too.

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RE: Contents insurance required - advice please

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This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 20:49

RE: Best playstation emulator?

Yep ePSXe works great for me too but it can be a sod to set up properly - you need to find the right plugins and settings that works best for your rig. Also basically the more complex the game the more likely you are to have problems with it.

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RE: Anyone recommend me an ISP?

you changed your isp, avoid Pipex like the plague. I use BT (Its worth the extra cash) Aol is really good.

I`ve been with Pipex more than 3 years never had a single problem with them. AOL is fine if you can connect ok, if you have problems forget it they don`t want to know. They`ll try to get you to use their bundled software too - avoid at all costs.

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RE: How do you convert VTS files to AVI??

Auto Gordian Knot

The video files are the .VOB`s not the VTS`s.

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RE: Anyone recommend me an ISP?

Their LLU seems ok but their regular service seems a bit iffy.

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RE: How can i convert mp4 audio into mp3 easily ?

Ogster, I meant iTunes can convert the AAC (or MP4 - same thing) to MP3 but I do like the osund of dbPowerAmp to do it. I spent a long time finding a free program to do the conversion and wished I had known about dbPowerAmp*

All versions after 10 are shareware due a legal dispute but you can stil find freeware v.10 with a good search.

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RE: Anyone recommend me an ISP?

NDO for 5mb monthly @ £19.99. Excellent speeds no restrictions/throttling, good customer service


Nildram 50gb monthly @ £25.99 solid reliable fast service no restrictions/throttling excellent customer service.

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RE: Cut up your Barclaycard NOW!!!

If you use a credit card you`re covered by the consumer credit act. Company goes belly up you can get your money back from your credit card company. Debit card - no money. Simple as that.

Why would anyone want a barclaycard anyway they`re one of the worst benefit paying cards. Get a Morgan Stanley Platinum mastercard, 2% cashback on all purchases no monthly fee. Better than a store loyalty card.

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RE: ISP recommendations please!

Well i have been with Pipex for some time now. I get a good service 1Meg download (would be more if my phone line could handle it) and i don`t have to worry about how much cos there is no limit. Its the Pipex 1000 package i am on its £19.99 for the first 6 months and then £23.99 after that. You can pay monthly, quarterly or yearly. Hope this helps.

The Jackal

If you can curb your download habits and you`ve been signed up for more than a year then give them a call and ask if they can cut you a better deal. I was on the same rate but after calling them I`m now on a 2MB line for only £17.99 per month. The only drawback is a 30gig monthly d/l limit which is ok for me, they offered me a offpeak 2MB deal at first, but I declined and asked for my MAC code at which point they offered me this deal. Its a customer retention package.

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