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Page 1 of Motorola phone software....for a cack motorola phone......

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Motorola phone software....for a cack motorola phone......

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th July 2006, 09:30


My K700 packed up on monday (the little joystick died) and, to virgins credit, they picked it up and sent a replacement next day, which was excellent.

However.......the phone they sent me as a replacement was............a Motorola Pebl (or Pleb, as I have come to call it) since it `Most closely matched the specifications of the K700, which we dont sell anymore` (Presumably down to the bluetooth).

Anyway, despite it being twice as expensive (130 odd quid) its feature set is p*** poor compared to the K700. No wonder they are doing these as replacements, as I suspect they cant actually give them away at that price. Its a beautiful phone, fully coveted by the mrs, but its a bit lame.

Anyhoo, despite being so pricey, they dont include any software, a link cable or a basic hands free kit. Hands free, im not arsed about as I have a BT headset. Link cable im not arsed about as its a mini-usb B (same as the PSP) and ive got loads of them lying around. I am, however, bothered about the fact that a `high end` phone doesnt come with any form of synch software (especially one that comes with a Paltry 7 f***ing MB of non-upgradeable internal memory), so I cant shift the contents of my phone around.

I can buy their `Phonetools` software for 20 quid apparently in a bundle that includes another f***ing mini usb cable.......

Anyway, can anyone suggest any alternative software, a la FLOATS mobile agent for Sony Ericsson phones? Because I refuse to pay for something that should be included with the frigging phone in the first place.

Oh, I am able to upload Ringtones (MP3 snippets), Javagames (of which none have so far worked) and Pictures via bluetooth, but it wont let you do it vice versa. F***ing thing.

Oh yeah.....the cameras s*** in really s***.......7250i s***.....But it looks nice, so hey, £130 is a bargain.....(cost me £60, ultimately, which i still think is too expensive).

I think im going to eventually palm it off on the mrs and get something decent.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Motorola phone software....for a cack motorola phone......

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 26th July 2006, 10:26

can`t help you with the moto i`m afraid, tbh if i where you i`d dump it asap 8)

i`d recomend the s/e w810 tho, it`s a cracking phone & it has a controll "pad" rather than the flimsy k750/w800i thumbstick (i had the w800i, cracking phone but i broke the joystick & upgraded to the w810) takes excellent pics as well :)

this pic would have been a bit better, i was stood in the shade of a tree (on the river bank) looking out into a sunny day, so the exposure got a bit screwed 8)

this one shows the detail a bit better :)

It`s like Stephen Hawkins Vs the Speaking clock.....

You are superior to us in only one way.........You You are Better at Dying....

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th July 2006, 11:30

RE: Motorola phone software....for a cack motorola phone......

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th July 2006, 11:02

Yeah, the problem is, my mrs isnt quite as understanding as yours ;)

I may just get onto them and ask them to take it back, tbh. The problem is, I havent got a lot of spare cash at the moment, as we have just bought a new car, put another one through an expensive MOT and have got a holiday on the way, so a new mobile is very far down the list at the moment. Plus im saving up for a HD-LCD tv......

So if I spent 200 sovs on another mobile, you would probably have me knocking on your door with a sleeping bag the next day :D

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Motorola phone software....for a cack motorola phone......

hk389344 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 26th July 2006, 13:26

You have mail....

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th July 2006, 14:32

RE: Motorola phone software....for a cack motorola phone......

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th July 2006, 12:39


have a wee look here and here should point you in the right direction.


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