Page 1 of TMPGEnc DVD Author help please

PCs & Mobiles Forum

TMPGEnc DVD Author help please

GJF (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th July 2006, 13:12

I have been using this programme version for about a year with no problems. I use it to convert my RAM recordings made on my Panny to a DVD. Recently while copying the DVD video data I have noticed it sometimes cuts off before the whole of the blue segment bar display has shown that the whole of the recording has been copied. It then misses out the copying chapter info and goes to the Add clip screen. When I play the DVD in my panny only the part that has been copied is there. The whole of the RAM disc recording plays ok on my panny. I have also noticed that when creating a menu the clip (where you pick out the thumb nail) it contains the whole of the video data that has been copied rather than the first few minutes
It doesn`t`t do it every time and it happens on different RAM disc`s. I have tried un installing the TMPGEnc and then re installing with the same happening. The RAM disc was not edited on the Panny. Any help appreciated

This item was edited on Monday, 31st July 2006, 16:06

RE: TMPGEnc DVD Author help please

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th July 2006, 09:27

I only use this to compile my DVD. So I`m not sure how you are getting it to encode things...?

My DVD collection


RE: TMPGEnc DVD Author help please

GJF (Competent) posted this on Monday, 31st July 2006, 15:10

I don`t know about encoding but it does take my RAM disc`s and turn them into DVDs

Doesn`t any one have any idea`s about my problem

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