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Page 1 of Idiots guide to fitting 2 hard drives to 1 p.c please

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Idiots guide to fitting 2 hard drives to 1 p.c please

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th December 2006, 14:44

My partner has moved in with me and as we both have p.c`s and only 1 internet conx she wants to keep using "her p.c" whilst i would like to use mine as my p.c is alot newer and faster i wondered if i could put her hdd in my p.c as a second drive and maybe have a boot screen where we can decide which drive to boot into can anyone give me a step by step guide as to how to do this?? and what i need to buy or if there is a freeware prog available thanks in advance

RE: Idiots guide to fitting 2 hard drives to 1 p.c please

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 27th December 2006, 15:14

the easiest way to do it without losing programs etc is to just fit the drive as usual, remembering to check the jumper leads correctly (ie, your drive is master, the gf`s will be set to slave, the way it should be ;) ) then boot up as normal.

did it boot up as it would normaly ? ie, into your version of windows ? if so good, now just check "my computer" & make sure you can see the new hard drive, then make a note of the drive letter (ie, D)

now, restart the pc, as it boots up, when it hits the post screen (usually the first set of writing, telling you the clock speed + amount of memory) go into the bios screen, this is normaly done by pressing the delete key once in the bios screen, look for "boot sequence" (the wording may be different, but you will see what i mean) change the boot sequence from one drive to the other. then save & exit.

hopefully it`ll boot into you gf`s drive, as windows starts up it`l keep telling it`s found new hardware, this is where you will need all the drivers for Your pc, reinstall all the required drivers & hopefully everything will be fine, after this to boot into one drive or the other all you need to do is alter the boot sequence. sometimes the new host pc won`t play ball unless you wipe the windows installation & start again, but most of the time it works ok.

it`s a lot faster & easier than it sounds btw :)

but the easiest & safest way would be to buy a router & use both pc`s as they are now ;)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th December 2006, 15:15

RE: Idiots guide to fitting 2 hard drives to 1 p.c please

cynic (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th December 2006, 18:29

consider buying a router and setting up a network instead as in the event that you split you won`t have to cut the pc in two with a hacksaw :D If you think you`ll be togther forever consider the additional stress caused by arguments over who gets to use the pc
If you`re currently on broadband and not cable then make it an adsl router.

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th December 2006, 18:30

RE: Idiots guide to fitting 2 hard drives to 1 p.c please

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 28th December 2006, 21:11

If you`re currently on broadband and not cable then make it an adsl router.

technically, cable is also broadband ;) but if your with blueyonder/telewest/ntl then as cynic says, you need a standard router (just has ethernet ports as a rule) whereas if you use your telephone line for your broadband, ie bt/tiscali/aohell/bulldog etc etc, then again, as cynic said, you need an adsl router, pretty much the same thing except the adsl router has a built in modem as well.

& despite how it sounds, it`s dead easy to set up a router, (either one) & most have wireless built in these days so having them in different rooms doesn`t mean ripping the carpets up :)

RE: Idiots guide to fitting 2 hard drives to 1 p.c please

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th December 2006, 22:03

My partner has moved in with me and as we both have p.c`s and only 1 internet conx she wants to keep using "her p.c" whilst i would like to use mine as my p.c is alot newer and faster

On a more serious note I suggest you put your foot down now and keep her in line...if you give in to her on this and shes only just bloody moved in the end of the week your place will be a girly paradise with lace doilies all over the place your playstation advertised in the local free ads and your Star Wars figure collection in the bin..act now before its too late!

and for heavens sake hide your porn!


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