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Page 1 of How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

PCs & Mobiles Forum

How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

M. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 13:28

Title says it all really, i want to save about a years worth of emails both sent and received to an external drive such as a USB pen or portable drive so that i can delete them from my hard drive..

How do i do this?


RE: How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 13:31

Not sure if this definately works but

if you highlight the desired messages and then go file > save as > select external drive

I think that might do it

Mind you that seems like I;m being very obvious so maybe i;m missing something more technical that you need to do


A.C.C. Member

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 14:34

RE: How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

McJester (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 14:17


if you look for the .pst file that outlook uses to store your emails you could always take a copy of that

to find location go to tools -> options -> mail setup -> data files -> settings

once you have it you can copy the file where you want.


create a new outlook data file and move the required messages to there and then back that up

File -> new ->Outlook data file

once you have created it it will appear in your all mail folders list, simply drag the messages you want to keep to there and back it up



RE: How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 16:59


highlight all of the mail and drag and drop onto the USB drive.


RE: How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 17:24

Are you definitely using Outlook (as in paid for with Office) rather than Outlook Express (free with Windows)?

if so the .pst method earlier is best as that way you can read them in Outlook, rather than them being 100s of email files on the hard drive.

if Outlook express it`s the dbx files you want to copy onto your hard drive, then delete them in outlook express

RE: How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

M. (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 20:50

Hi Guys, yes it`s defo Outlook 2003....i`ll give the .pst method a crack in the next couple of days then if that`s the best as i do definitely want to be able to read them on another computer using Outlook 2003 or 2007 if that`s what this will allow?

What`s the process for copying them into Outlook on another PC?


RE: How Do I Save Emails from within Outlook to External Drive Please...?

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2008, 21:47

the .pst file is an outlook email file, it`s like a database, so one .pst can store lots of emails, a calender etc.

So you can then copy that pst to another pst, dbl click to open it, or import it so it "belongs" to it. You can thend rag and drop emails into it.

We used to use outlook at work, emails in your inbox were on the server, but you could have a pst on your local machine for archiving email, much liek you want to do.

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