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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Dell Vostro 1000 not booting

thezafiraman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2008, 21:19

Hi, All.I have a 13 month old Dell Vostro 1000 which is not booting at all. When I press the start button, I can hear the fan come on.Three light to the left of the switch flash momentarily and then I get 2 light ( 2nd light with*A* and third light with a downward arrow) but nothing on the screen.I have been in touch with Dell but told its just out of warranty.Sod`s law isn`t it.It was suggested that the motherboard might be dead and would cost about £200 to repair..Any ideas or suggestions from any experts out the will be appreciated.

RE: Dell Vostro 1000 not booting

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 28th October 2008, 23:17

Keep pestering Dell. A motherboard is designed to last more than one year, and just because it is out of the one-year warranty, that doesn`t mean that you don`t have any rights.

Brian Elliott is a sports writer for the Belfast Telegraph newspaper, and is a regular contributor to DVD Reviewer and SLAM! Wrestling.

Please visit my website!

RE: Dell Vostro 1000 not booting

thezafiraman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th October 2008, 18:04

Thanks for the input Brian.UPDATE.I phoned Dell again today and went through all the tests with their Technical support.same conclusion:Motherboard faulty.I spoke to customer services and asked why a motherboard should fail within a year and was tranferred to the Hardware support who basically were not interested,however suggested I speak to the warranty dept.Warranty dept said if I purchased a 3yr extended warranty for £100,they would see what they could do.Anyway, I took the warranty and the laptop should be collected tommorow and repaired under warranty.I thought it was better to go down this route then have a £300 laptop sitting around.At least I should have no repair bills for the next 3 years.

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