Info and forum posts by 'Brian Elliott'
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Joined on: Friday, 31st August 2001, 18:14, Last used: Friday, 6th September 2013, 11:48
Access Level: Reviewer
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This user has posted a total of 2601 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.31 messages a day, or 2.14 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.
Recent Messages Posted:
RE: Protecting DVDs in storage (garage)
I was looking at this. Not airtight, but no water can get in. Some reviews talk about storing books or papers in them.
Just need some peace of mind!
Protecting DVDs in storage (garage)
Does anyone have experience of storing their CDs/DVDs in a garage or shed? I'm not worried about organisation, just as long as the hot/cold conditions don't damage them. Is a good, old Poundstretcher box enough protection?
This item was edited on Sunday, 8th July 2018, 18:59
RE: Windboxing (Talking non-anamorphic like it's the year 2000)
Yes, 1.85:1.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
Windowboxing (Talking non-anamorphic like it's the year 2000)
Oh man, how cool it is to have a question about DVDs! This takes me right back. Where's Westy? :D
By chance I've recently come across a couple of non-anamorphic DVDs in my collection (Commando and Brewster's Millions). When I try to play them back on my Samsung Blu-ray player, they play "windowboxed" (black bars on every side of the image). I am certain my all of my old DVD players scanned these appropriately and used as much of the available screen while keeping the aspect ratio. As it stands, I have to change my Blu-ray player settings to 4:3 to make the image the appropriate size on the screen. I don't think I'm missing any video information that way.
Is this a normal thing, where non-anamorphic DVDs won't play back properly on Blu-ray players and/or HDTVs?
This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd May 2018, 11:31
RE: Google, you're internet stalker
So is it genuinely time to delete all of the Google apps on your phone and replace them with third-party apps with fewer data privileges? Or is everything accessible to them anyway because you sign in with a Google account?
This item was edited on Thursday, 29th December 2016, 19:26
RE: For Brian Elliott
I just saw this, but I really appreciate you thinking of me. UK shows are now quite popular for ex-WWE wrestlers of various vintage, so it's good to hear things are happening in Jersey, too!
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: R.I.P Rowdy Roddy Piper
Big interview with Piper if you want to get in-depth on his career:
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: The Official WWE/TNA thread
Fighting Spirit Magazine has a FREE digital issue available now for PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android and Kindle Fire.
Here are the full links since the site censors abbreviated links. :) Let me know how you like it - thanks!
Kindle Fire:
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd August 2014, 15:10
RE: R.I.P The Ultimate Warrior
The new WWE-produced documentary on him is very good. It was on the WWE Network last night.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: R.I.P The Ultimate Warrior
Very sad news. The Ultimate Warrior was a huge part of many kids' lives, including my own.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Star Wars Complete Saga Blu-ray £45
What's the best way to watch the films (A New Hope; The Empire Strikes Back; Return of the Jedi) as they were originally released?
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: I'm going to hospital today
Sending prayers and well-wishes... get better soon.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Sainsbury's Entertainment ending physical media sales!
That's unfortunate; I'd been using them quite a lot recently.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: iOS 7 is available now
I wasn't going to install it as I only have the iPhone 4. You don't see a problem with that, then?
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
Get Carter (Caine version)
Hi folks,
I don`t get as much time to watch my favourite films as I used to, but I did watch Get Carter the other day (and actually watched it again later with the director`s commentary - that`s really been a long time!)
I`ve grown really cynical about new films, as nine times out of ten I don`t enjoy the way they`re shot, the camera tricks, the CGI etc. I may just be old, but when I see fast-moving scenes and heightened sound effects, I know that usually the director is trying to hide something rather than accentuate a great camera shot, and it completely throws me out of my suspension of disbelief.
So, going back to Get Carter, can anyone recommend some pre-1990s films that I might enjoy? It doesn`t necessarily have to be a crime drama, or thriller, but rather just something gritty and (dare I say it?) old-fashioned by today`s standards.
If anyone wants to discuss Caine`s Get Carter, that`d be interesting, too!
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: I Have Winning Eleven 6 (PES2)
Love this bump! The good "old" days!
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Arrested Development revived by US channel Netflix
I`ll check it out when I`m done with deadline. Thanks!
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Arrested Development revived by US channel Netflix
We`ve got a free trial of Netflix at the moment. Should I go back and watch the original series? I`ve never seen it.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: I don`t believe it! Should gay celebrities be outed?
Pete-MK says...
and the sad no-lifers who lap it upWhich is the majority, apparently.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Podcast downloads
Radio Downloader, I believe.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Oscar Pistorius is thought to have shot his girlfriend dead.
If this is as simple as the newspapers are suggesting, then it`s one of the most unfortunate incidents I`ve ever heard of.
EDIT: Apparently authorities have dismissed the "he thought she was a burgular" line.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
This item was edited on Thursday, 14th February 2013, 12:59
RE: Do you own a Blu-ray player?
Just picked up a £40 Samsung. Probably wouldn`t have done so at a higher price-point.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: IOS 6.1
Never jailbroken my iPhone before... but I am interested. :O
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Margaret Oates (1931-2013) RIP
So sorry for your loss, Mark. Be safe and strong.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Lance Armstrong charged with drug offences.
The naivety of the sports community throughout this has been staggering.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
RE: Instead of predicting whose going to die this year, how about retailers to fold....
I thought HMV was going down in 2012. I guess I can carry that one on.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
Tell us about your first DVD player / discs...
We must have had this discussion before, but searching for "first DVD player" was not helpful. ;)
I think it was Chris Gould who mentioned his old Samsung 709 in the Cheap Blu-Ray Player thread, and that got me nostalgic for my own DVD players of the past, and indeed all the info we used to dig up to make informed decisions about our next purchases, whether it was new hardware or new movies.
For my own part, my first DVD player was an LG47 10, purchased in 2001 (details: It was a great little (erm... rather big) player, which I`d already worked out could be made region free. It would`ve been handy had it played CD-Rs, but it wasn`t that big of a deal to me.
For some bizarre reason, I bought insurance with this player - god knows how much that cost, considering the player itself was £150. Perhaps it was a premonition, though, because about four-and-a-half years into a five-year warranty, it started to spit out occasional CDs (never DVDs). The local Dixons store from which I`d bought it was closing down imminently, so I took it over there, expecting them to try to push a dirt-cheap player on me, but they refunded my entire £150! Result!
Still, like many tech geeks, I had a sadness at leaving the 4710 with the store, no doubt securing it a one-way ticket to "the other side". I moved on to another LG player, the model number of which has escaped me.
Looking back through some records, it seems my first DVD was the R1 The Princess Bride DVD - no doubt because the R2 at the time had no extras! I can`t even bring myself to tell you how much it cost; maybe when some people make their own admissions. ;)
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
This item was edited on Saturday, 5th January 2013, 01:11
RE: Best cheap Blu-ray player atm?
Here`s the deal I got: It would appear to be still online.
I`ve only played BluRays and DVDs on it as I have an AC Ryan box for MKVs etc, and Xbox does any streaming. But I can vouch for the fact that the MR hack (for DVD) works on this player.
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd January 2013, 01:53
RE: Best cheap Blu-ray player atm?
Managed to pick up a Samsung player (BD-D5300) for £40 from Tescos - easily made multiregion. I see a definite improvement in picture quality on my generally poor-looking sports DVDs, and the new Led Zeppelin blu-ray looks remarkable!
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at
This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st January 2013, 19:37
RE: Blade Runner (Blue-Ray) ...which version????
How odd. I took a notion to watch The Final Cut for the first time tonight, then I discover that it was on BBC2. Now, you`re asking about it here.
We all must have implanted memories, right?
Brian Elliott is a British journalist, covering soccer, MMA, and pro wrestling. He has written for the likes of the Associated Press, the Canadian Press, and Sports Illustrated. He is currently the editor at