Page 1 of transferring data from one Palm PDA to another

PCs & Mobiles Forum

transferring data from one Palm PDA to another

stephen harris (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th April 2009, 12:05

Has anyone transferred data for a Palm M505 using Palm OS 4.1.4 and put it on either a Palm Tungsten E2 or Palm T/X using Palm OS 5.4 ??
I assume this would be OK, BUT I don`t want to lose the data if I do this

RE: transferring data from one Palm PDA to another

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th April 2009, 01:47

Id be inclined to install\hotsynch the new "blank device" after hotsynching the old under the later desktop.

Don`t recall having a problem doing it that way when I moved from my Tungsten T to my Tapwave Zodiac 2.

It has been a long time since I used the "desktop" & since the last software rebuild it crashes out on me & for the most part I just Hotsynch (via Bluetooth as even the USB connection doesn`t seem to want to work now).

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

Heartily glad that I don`t have to learn how to spell Chiwetel Ejiofor.

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th April 2009, 02:53

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