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Retailer Reviews Forum

PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 11:16

I am a bit p***ed with Play. I ordered the Matrix Reloaded three weeks ago and half expected it to arrive on the release date. Here we are on Saturday, no second post, and no Matrix.

Has anyone else also noticed that the Play people like to screw around with the customer order screen. I checked on the 7th of October and it stated that the DVD had been shipped on the 7th - I looked at it yesterday and the date had been changed to the 9th - I have noticed this happening before and it really bugs me!

Anyhoo - due to the overwhelming torrent of s***/sport on tv this weekend I have had to go and buy another copy of the Matrix from Dixons for £13.49 - this will probably be the last time I use Play. (I have sent them an email but by the looks of things I shouldn`t hold my breath for a reply...)

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 12:04

I think you`re being extremely harsh.

After 3 years and a few thousand pounds I have never had a problem with play, if a disc hasn`t arrived, they`ve shipped a new one and it has been in here in quick time at excellent prices.

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 12:27

But they won`t even look at replacing a missing disc for 14 days - All I am looking for is a basic level of service. I will not be waiting two weeks.

I have been using Play for years but the seem to be slipping up more often now. I would not have ordered if I had known that Dixons would have been doing it so cheap.

I am sorry if I have offended an Acolyte of Play.

This item was edited on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 13:44

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

SteveBanana (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 13:41

You `HAD` to go buy another copy of The Matrix?? :/

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 14:09

YES............. I have matrix night all organised and no bloody reloaded.

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 14:37

In all fairness tom Play, the disc is actually OFFICIALLY rleased on the 10th in the UK, they are NOT obliged to supply the disc before this date.

Also, just remember you`re not the only punter ordering this disc - i would imagine the demand is VERY high for the disc and that you`re one of hundreds of thousands of people waiting for the disc. Additionally, did you not think that maybe Warner Brothers may have had a problem shipping the discs to e-tailers??

Learn not to be so harsh dear boy, Play remain one of the most complete and consistently great suppliers on the web, and just like all good e-tailers, (yes including CD WOW), and indeed well respected high street retailers, hiccups are bound to happen.

Stop being so spoilt, the disc was released on friday, anything arriving before is merely a bonus don`t forget ;)


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RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 14:53

Okay - points all taken...still won`t be buying any new releases from them if I want them on the day of release - will use the High Street and recommend anyone else hoping to get anything on day of release to get it elsewhere. I hope this does not annoy one of advertising partners too much... ;)

Still don`t like the way they can muck around the dates in the customer order screen - very misleading - I was given the impression that is had been ditspatched on the 7th then they went and changed it.

This item was edited on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 15:56

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

cynic (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 17:55

14 days is pretty good for a minimum wait before you can register a non delivery , others say 3 or 4 weeks. There does seem to be a problem with their despatch date software, I suspect that it assumes despatch when stock comes in and has to be ammended for new DVDs that are in high demand.
If you want it cheap use the web , if you want it quick then okay use the high street and pay the penalty price wise

RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 13:51

It could be a problem with the Royal Mail rather than Play?
I got the Matrix Reloaded R2 on Monday from Blackstar. Blackstar charge the same as Play and I have always got my pre-ordered DVDs delivered to me before the release date.

I use Play a lot as well, and never had any problems with them. And you could have rented Matrix Reloaded for one night instead of buying it ;)

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RE: PLAY - Where is my Matrix Reloaded? Ordered 3 weeks ago...

Richard Lloyd (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 14:53

Isn`t it taking a risk setting up a "Matrix night" when you`re waiting for a
mail order delivery of one of the movies ? Mind you, I`m twiddling my thumbs waiting for my delivery of Matrix Reloaded (pre-ordered on 6th Sept, shipped on 6 Oct, not arrived yet), but they have an excuse - the US/Canada get Matrix Reloaded on 14th Oct officially, whereas the UK got it 4 days earlier. Still, at something just under 12 quid, beats out everyone (including your Dixons re-purchase) on price yet again ( can match the price, but then charge postage on top to the UK)...

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