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Retailer Reviews Forum

Has anyone used ?

Brian Sanderson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th October 2004, 13:57

Looking at and it shows have Men behaving badly all six series boxset for £10.93 marked down from £49.99

A search of this forum shows one positive comment from DOHC. Has anyone else used them?

RE: Has anyone used ?

Nina (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 6th October 2004, 13:50

Nothing good to say about them, ordered the said boxset and they have now cancelled the order. Like I said before, if other companies like Play, Choices Direct and CDWOW can deliver the goods when they make a mistake why can`t others?

RE: Has anyone used ?

Firas 1978 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th October 2004, 02:07

One of the worst online retailer i have used in my time (second only to spash)and god knows ive used a hell of a lot of them. Every single of my orders had a 24 hour dispatch notice than didnt get dispatched for over 3 weeks. After several emails went answered tried the phone and after a hell of a lot of pleading the items got dispatched and mysteriously went missing in the post!!! After further pleading and numerous phone calls that lasted over 3 weeks finally got a refund minus paypal charges. NEVER AGAIN

-Firas 1978

RE: Has anyone used ?

DOHC (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th October 2004, 06:36

Looks like I was lucky........

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