Page 1 of Audio-T - First class service

Retailer Reviews Forum

Audio-T - First class service

Normann (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 13:33

Ordered a set of Polk Audio speakers complete with subwoofer form Audio-T in Oxford, after negotiating a discounted price.

When the speakers arrived at Audio-T --- no subwoofer!!

Several telephone calls from Audio-T to the supplier later, the story emerges that the supplier had apparently quoted for the satellite speakers only, which Audio-T in good faith had passed onto me as the price including the subwoofer.

Bracing myself for the expected - "I`m sorry sir but if you want a subwoofer you`ll have to pay extra", I was pleasantly supprised to be told that it wasn`t my problem, and that Audio-T would resolve the matter directly with the supplier.

I was even given a loan subwoofer to use until my subwoofer arrived!

I think Audio-T displayed an attitude rarely seen in todays business dealings, where making a profit all too often takes precedence over legal / moral obligations.

Well done Audio-T, you`ll have my business for the foreseeable future

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