Info and forum posts by 'Normann'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 26th April 2001, 15:18, Last used: Thursday, 23rd August 2007, 21:16

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 26 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


Hi Hackeroonie.

Sorry if it`s a stupid question, but what do you mean by "using disk tray press0000"?

I`ve tried using the remote to press 0000, but the dvd player just displays the "tray open" notice.


RE: EZY postal times?

Ouch!! my ears are ringing from all this shouting.

:-) :-)


RE: Whats the last DVD everyone bought?

Iron Monkey - £9.99 from Under18.


RE: HMV (X Files) Rip Off! I will not give up!

The only way to find out if their actions are legal, is to issue a summons in the small claims court.

If HMV don`t turn up they lose.

If they do turn up it will cost them time and money to argue their case.

If they lose you win the damages to the value of the difference between the "sale" price and the "regular" price.

If they win you lose and are out of pocket by the +-£30 it cost you to issue the summonse to their managing director. (Less the £10 you got in vouchers.) You will however have the satisfaction of pis*ing him off.

We can do all the moaning, groaning and complaining we like and cry on each others shoulders, but the only way to force retailers to be law abiding, is to take them to the small claims court every time you feel they are breaking the law. If the court says they`re not, then at least you know where you stand however much you disagree.


RE: How much can i bring back into the UK from the US???

Unseal your dvd`s and if you`re asked their value, you can say that they were "second hand" and only worth 25% of the street value.


RE: Video-senders any good?


I bought the DigiSender a couple of months ago and have no complaints.

It has a "pass through" scart lead, and transmitts whatever is "passing through" this scart lead.

Your receiving t.v. needs a scart input socket to receive the signal


Best Region for Big Trouble In Little China???

Can`t find any regional comparisons in the usual places i.e Rewind, Rumble or Compare (sounds like a firm of lawyers doesn`t it?).

Any of you lot out there hear anything?


RE: EU to probe DVD Pricing (BBC)

I was recently involved (only slightly) in a case where a dog club in the USA was sueing another dog club because they were not allowed to show their dogs at that clubs shows because of certain rules.

WTF has that got to do with selling DVD`s you ask??

Well it appears that the USA has a statute called "The Solomon Law", (I think), which is designed to prevent "restrictive trade practices", such as big suppliers refusing to give smaller business`s an equal chance in trade, by perhaps giving bigger business`s bigger discount, or refusing to supply goods to them etc.

The dog club in question argued that by not being allowed to show their dogs at the other clubs shows, the value of their dogs was being affected. (Yeah I think its stupid too, but thats Americans for you.)

The point is, that the Court in America has acknowledged that the dog club have a case, and the issue is going to be heard in Court.

If not allowing someone to show their dog is accepted as a "Restraint of Trade", then what would they call not supplying the same DVD, with the same contents, at the same time, for the same price to everyone?

Hope I haven`t left anyone behind. :-) :-)


RE: Sky problem

Hi Ickle,

This will teach you to start giving advice on the forums :-)

Is there anyway Rob445 can take out a "new" contract which lets him have the dish and receiver for £40?

That way you would get a new receiver, dish & installation with a 12 month guarantee for £40?


RE: NTSC and PAL - what do they mean??

NTSC - Not - The - Same - Colour

Joke Joke Joke ;-)


This item was edited on Monday, 11th June 2001, 19:10


No supplier will offer to pick up import duties at the "other end".

Principally because they may not be static, i.e. they may rise or fall, or not be charged at all. They may also be reclassified into a different catagory if the local Customs decide that they are not pulling in enough revenue.

Thats why all suppliers state (or should state) that they are not responsible for local import duties, sales tax or other such charges.


RE: Terminator 2 - Special Edition / Ultimate Edition??

I ended up with the R1 Ultimate Edition on a single disc.

I tried to access the "hidden" edition by inserting the judgment day date at the appropriate time, but nothing happens.

I`ve been told that this only works on the Special Edition, and that the version on the Ultimate Edition is in fact the "hidden" version.

Does that make sense??

Is this true??


RE: Is it me or is it getting a bit messy round here???

We all have to start somewhere,

Getting it wrong and being bollocked by the rest is half the fun.

Normann :-) :-)


Dream on!!

Any purchase over £18 is liable for import duty and vat, unless it is clearly marked as a gift. In which case the taxable threshold rises to £36.

If you are importing from an "honest" supplier, they will reduce the local selling price by the local "vat" amount, as it is not chargable on exports.


RE: Family Box Ofiice - has anyone used them???

I e-mailed them last week pointing out that they`re losing lots of UK business because of their high p&p.

Got an e-mail back saying they have dropped their p&p to $5.50 to match the likes of Ezydvd, and if you`re registered as an "international" customer, the price quoted is after deduction of Australian GST.

I`ve checked their site, and they have!!.


RE: Anyone got


If you like the Eagles even a little bit, you`ll love this!!

DTS at its best


RE: Debiting your Credit Card before dispatching your order??????

Thanks for all the advice guys!

I will check their terms & conditions.

Cheers - Normann

Debiting your Credit Card before dispatching your order??????

I`m sure that one of you clever guys out there mentioned some time ago, that it was illegal to debit your c.c. before the goods were dispatched.

Is this true?

Anyone know which law?

Preferably chapter & verse, so that I can discuss the matter with an over-zealous supplier who has debited my c.c. and advised that the goods should be dispatched within 21 days!!!!!

Thanks - Normann

RE: Star DVD`s (Again)

Meanwhile - back at the ranch, Tantto and the Lone Ranger were still fighting off the Indians!!!!

Best DVD Review Magazine??????

I`ve bought my DVD player, receiver and speakers, and can now throw out all the accumulated brochures and internet printouts and stuff.

What DVD magazine do I subscribe to for the latest on DVD`s?

Don`t worry, I`ll still listen to you lot as well

RE: Terminator 2 - Special Edition / Ultimate Edition??

Thanks for the info Lee.

Thanks for the info Richard.

I`ll check prices and then make a decision.

Audio-T - First class service

Ordered a set of Polk Audio speakers complete with subwoofer form Audio-T in Oxford, after negotiating a discounted price.

When the speakers arrived at Audio-T --- no subwoofer!!

Several telephone calls from Audio-T to the supplier later, the story emerges that the supplier had apparently quoted for the satellite speakers only, which Audio-T in good faith had passed onto me as the price including the subwoofer.

Bracing myself for the expected - "I`m sorry sir but if you want a subwoofer you`ll have to pay extra", I was pleasantly supprised to be told that it wasn`t my problem, and that Audio-T would resolve the matter directly with the supplier.

I was even given a loan subwoofer to use until my subwoofer arrived!

I think Audio-T displayed an attitude rarely seen in todays business dealings, where making a profit all too often takes precedence over legal / moral obligations.

Well done Audio-T, you`ll have my business for the foreseeable future

Terminator 2 - Special Edition / Ultimate Edition??

Does anybody know if the Terminator 2 Special Edition being sold by Future Entertainment the same as the Ultimate Edition which has received the rave reviews?

They both come with the metal slip case.

RE: Sevenoaks Sound & Vision. What`s your view?

Hi Andrew,

Ended up buying the Polk Audio RM6600 speaker package.

Three months ago I couldn`t spell DVD, so I`m new to DVD`s, amplifiers and surround speakers, and don`t pretend to know much about them.

I was able to read various magazines and compare specs and comments to come to a decision re a DVD player and receiver. But when it came to speakers, there appeared to be so many packages out there and everyone said you need to hear them to decide. So effectively I limited myself to what I was able to listen to locally.

My wife wanted something small and my kids wanted a 100 watt RMS subwoofer.

I had read a couple of good reports on the Polks, they sound very good, (to my ears anyway), and they meet my family`s requirements.

So all in all I`m very happy with them.


RE: Sevenoaks Sound & Vision. What`s your view?

Bit disappointed with the Oxford Branch.

Contacted them on 8/5/01 re Missiom FS2 speakers, and they suggested I pop down the next day and hear them.

Popped down next day. The guy I spoke to was off, and apparently hadn`t mentioned that I was coming.

I asked to see the Mission speakers, and was shown them fixed to the wall around a TV, but no offer was made to let me hear them.

After a few minutes I asked to hear them, and the Final Destionation DVD was played. (Rather begrudgingly I felt).

I asked if they had the usual demo DVD with the Eagles and Saving Private Ryan, and was told no, because it was "illegal for a shop to play a region 0 DVD", which apparently this demo is.

I mentioned that the sound didn`t appear to be coming out of the Mission speakers. They checked and discovered that a different make of speakers had been connected, and suggested that if I really wanted to hear the Mission speakers, I should make an appointment for another time.

I left and went to Audio-T up the road and purchased my speakers there.

I`m not complaining as such, but you asked for our views and experiences.

RE: Back by popular demand - what players have you all got then ?

Sony DVD 735D - Chipped for multi-regions, RCE & Macrovision.