Page 1 of [VIDEO] DC Legends of Tomorrow
Television Forum
Seen episode 1, probably not going to see any more. :/ DC really struggles when it has no Batman or Superman to rely on. Marvel has all the best characters, the DC ones in this series seem like really cheap knock offs. :(
Shame, as it has Rory from Doctor Who.
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I've done two eps now. I'm not convinced either.
The production values aren't as high as Flash (which I like) very generic backdrops that they try to pass off as Norway and 1970s. It clearly shows as I watched Ep2 and then watched Agent Carter S2 and just purely in terms of costume and set it's so much better!
I'll do a couple more maybe to see if it finds it feet.
I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.
Im really enjoying it actually in a cheesy sort of way :).....probably more to do with the Prison Break brothers being back together