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Page 1 of [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

Television Forum

[VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2021, 11:02

Just wow! an absolute masterclass from everyone concerned , Amazing cast who all nailed it, great writing and storytelling , great score, cinematography and directing and I can't recommend this enough, just watched all 7 episodes of the HBO series and if there is one show however dark, unsettling and moving this is it, Kate Winslet is a revelation and must be a shoe in for every accolade going, if they renamed this Small town secrets it would have given people a better idea of what was going on but that's my only (very) small gripe. Watch it asap

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st June 2021, 12:07

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2021, 16:02

I think I only heard about this the other day as I saw a social media link to an article I dismissed as stupid click bait as it said something like "billboard shows Kate Winslet with no makeup"!

that trailer makes it look pretty good, added to the queue :)

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 5th June 2021, 07:47

Binged it last night.
great series.


Liked by: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th August 2021, 19:50

just got round to first episode, v good, it's interesting to see these small towns in US dramas now after being used to large cities.

Watched Kevin Can f*** Himself recently which was very good (if you can concentrate on the drama and ignore the sitcom bits) which was also small town nowhere, but more of a black comedy.

Liked by: mbilko
Thanks from: Robee J Shepherd

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th August 2021, 08:37

This was brilliant, watched it a month or so bag.
Funily enough, caught a bit of Happy Valley recently - there's so many parallels between both dysfunctional leads and all so well acted.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

Liked by: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th September 2021, 20:19

wow, just watched finale. last night watched penultimate episode, wanted to watch last, but it was getting late, and saw it was a bit longer than normal so thought I'd save it :)

as it turns out it's longer cos there's a short "making of" at the end :)

anyway, really bloody good :) thanks, the score was really good as well, helped with the suspense, quite stressful at times!

Liked by: sj mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th September 2021, 17:46

At some point of this show I suspected every single male character in it, just amazing and hopefully they will find her another case

Liked by: admars

RE: [VIDEO] Mare of Easttown

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th September 2021, 17:58

Kate Winslet wins Emmy for best actress in a limited series, well worth it :)

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