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Info and forum posts by 'ami'

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Recent Messages Posted:

RE: MVC Calls in Administrators?

some info, 41 mvc stores were bought by music zone the other 23 still up in the air, those stores bought will close saturday, no big discounts, stock will be sold with current discounts, once shut rest will go back to suppliers

MVC Buy One Get One Half Price

Started today, on chart dvd and cds, can mix formats, includes some new releases, which will then be in it if not in the week of release

RE: MVC Clearance Sale

just an update, more cd`s put in clearance, did better then expected, so more stuff put in to clear, also selected accessories now half price, dvd stands, storage cases etc, and videos also half price inc chart stuff and older videos

RE: MVC Closure\buyout\rebranding whatever........

New owners, same name just new colours, just getting rid of stuff that they dont want a music retailer to sell, which woolworths thought sim backup, alcohol testers etc was an ideal thing to sell

RE: MVC Clearance Sale

all the items now are stickered with the yellow stickers, its just one price point, not was and now stickers, the sale stuff would be in promo areas of each store, i know in our store about 30% of the world section went into the sale, it all depends what stock the store had at the time and whats to be got rid of

RE: MVC Clearance Sale

Not much chance of new stock coming in, this sale was by the new owners to clear the shelves of slow selling stuff and old titles, so they can bring in better selling stuff

RE: Battlestar Galactica Season 2..

sky did fund this season as well, the new deal is that because of the fuss of the usa peeps downloading uk broadcasts and complaining its not on us tv first, the first half of the season will premiere in the us and then while they on their mid season break, sky would of caught up and premiere the second half in the uk, so both sides get premieres

RE: MVC Clearance Sale

yeah sorry its a one boxset which has the three seasons in it for £30, the packaging is the individual ones in a big box

some more stuff, not got a list

star trek enterprise season 1 = £30
all five angel seasons = £30 each (book type ones)
hellraiser boxset (cube) = £15
as previous poster said tons of music dvds and SACD for £1.99
book group season 1 or 2 = £7 each
sideways = £7.99
lots of world cinema films like sympathy for mr vengence £7.99

RE: MVC Clearance Sale

i`ve not got a list, (so dont quote me on the exact price of some stuff, but 90% certain is what i listed) but off the top of my head, there is

nip/tuck season 2 = £20
millenium 1-3 boxset = £30
mib 2 = £1.99
voyager season 2 and (not hundred percent sure but i think season 7 as well ) = £30
star trek first contact (slipcase one) = £7.99
rounders special edition = £7.99
theres a couple of carry on boxsets in the sale one was about £100 now £40, i think it
had about 20 films in it
some john wayne boxsets as well, including that big brown box which has five bosets in thats aobut £40
murder one 1+2 boxset £30
alot of music dvd`s at £1.99

you wont be able to order stuff at these prices as its stock instore they are trying to sell, so you may find some stores have stock said items while others dont, also its an instore clearance, nothing on the website

MVC Clearance Sale


MVC is having a massive clearance sale starting tommorrow, as alot of you know Woolworths sold MVC to new buyers, in return theres alot of stock that the new buyers want to get rid of, quite alot of bargains to be found especially on dvds including boxsets

Spend £5 buy DVD for £5 promo

Four Titles in the spend £5 instore and get these for £5, this offer is instore only, limited to current store stock levels, no additional copies coming once sold out that`s it,

I Robot, Luxury Box Set, black box with film cell and pictures normally £35.99 now £5
Heathers normally £12.99 now £5
The Osbournes Series 2 £35.99 now £5
Trekkies £13.49 now £5

Don`t try Wolverhampton branch of MVC for I Robot, sold out, had 40 and all sold today, 25 odd of Osbournes left and some of Heathers and Trekkies

RE: mvc instore video game sale

hi, i work at mvc and we are not disappearing, someone has bought us and this is the reason why we are stopping orders, or not doing pre-owned, cant say who has bought us but they do not want alot of current stock instore

RE: Star Wars TV series

theres abit of stuff on the dvd`s & films forum, also read somewhere at the weekend the tv series looks like more clone wars episodes and the live action being about other charecters in the star wars universe, not focusing on the main stars of the six films

RE: Guess The Google

331 :(

363, thats it i quit too much hassle need to get each one in one second to reach the top ten

This item was edited on Monday, 25th April 2005, 00:33

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

some new info from

link :

The fan-anticipated "Star Wars Celebration III" convention in Indianapolis drew big crowds and a few big scoops in regards to the fate of the popular Lucas sci-fi franchsie. After several minutes of footage from "Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith", Producer Rick McCallum conducted a Q&A and confirmed a few details.

"Revenge of the Sith" final running time of is 131 minutes (though official reports last week listed it at 141 minutes), the film itself had the last touches added to it on Tuesday. Whilst they plan to do Star Wars in 3-D, they have no real timetable due to the lack of technology available.

Lucas got a script for Indiana Jones 4 last week and Spielberg plans to make it the film he does after his next one (likely the Munich Olympics terrorist flick). By that timetable it would put in on track for a Summer 2007 release.

Meanwhile, Lucas himself appeared and talked about the TV plans for the future. There are two TV series in development - a half hour 3-D computer animated series, and a live action series starring some supporting characters featured in the movies.

Production on the live action show would begin in about a year and unlike other shows, all the scripts for every episode will be done first and then shooting will happen in one big block. Lucas himself would handle at least the pilot. Judging by this timetable it would probably start airing sometime 2007.

RE: anyone get past level 14?

just reread what you wrote you did say drama, going blind in my old age :D

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st April 2005, 22:15

RE: anyone get past level 14?

level 18 password = what do scrubs, chicago hope, ER have in common :)

RE: anyone get past level 14?

why is it the last levels are so easy compared to the rest, had some trouble on 18 but whizz thru the rest :/

RE: X Box games for £1.99 in HMV Shop

the trade for 4 for a chart game has finished it ended on the 1st April, (before someone says it, not an april fool), if you still have a leaflet you can use it until the 7 April but after that they will refuse it :(

RE: WH Smiths now selling Movie Boxsets Halfprice Instore (as well as TV Boxsets)

Die Hard Boxset £16.99 instore at MVC, if don`t wanna order over net

RE: Official Sony PS2 Remote Control - £2.99

does it work on the new slimline ps2 version?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd March 2005, 15:13

RE: STAR WARS: EPISODE 3 Anticipation Thread (SPOILERS!!!)

Some info about the ending of the ROTS taken from

In the latest official site update, Anthony Daniels revealed a worthy point of trivia: It seems the character with the very the last line of dialogue in "Episode III" is the very same character that has the first line of dialogue in "Episode IV: A New Hope" - ie. C-3PO. In the same set - how`s that for bridging the saga? Also, with the scoring session now well underway, an item was marked as Darth Sidious`s only moment of compassion ever recorded.

Also with each Star Wars film, composer John Williams has selected a particular composition to stand apart. It`s removed from the context of the film, and generally has its start or end reworked so that it becomes a standalone musical piece. In the past, these have become singles on the soundtrack, concert suites or music videos. Examples include "Main Title," "Darth Vader`s Theme (Imperial March)," "The Forest Battle," "Duel of the Fates," and "Across the Stars."

For Episode III, a dramatic cue from the sixth reel gets that treatment. Called "Revenge of the Sith" -- or less colorfully, 6M9 -- it appears in the film during the thick of the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker. The first half of the second day of scoring sessions consists of capturing this piece for both inclusion in the film, and as a modified version for the soundtrack release. In the end, it will include moments of heavy percussion, as well as the emotional sweep provided by a choir.


This item was edited on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 20:45

RE: MVC Trade in deal 4 games/DVD`s for a chart title.

yep, only region two stuff and as said before items which are recognised on the system, same with the games, those cheapy hollywood ones are usually 50/50 some are on the system some not

its only on stuff up to the value of £19.99 in the chart and no boxsets

RE: Indiana Jones at Woolies

Its gone back up to £19.99 now at MVC, but was for 2-3 days at £9.99 :(

RE: Indiana Jones at Woolies

Instore offer, not on the web

RE: Indiana Jones at Woolies

Its currently £10.99 at MVC

RE: MVC Buy One Get One Half Price

Return of the King extended edtion in this offer, from tomorrow 09/12/04 priced £29.99, so chip in with a mate and get it for £22.50, or feeling devious, let your mate pay the £29.99 and get the it yourself for £14.99 :)

MVC Buy One Get One Half Price

Started today 6/12/04 on chart dvd`s, excluding i-robot 2 disk and elf, (only because its in offer of the week) which should change next monday

CPW Datalead Hassle

Hi, got a nokia 7600 from CPW when they first did the promotion £44.99, had to wait but got it in the end, opened up the box and no datalead, rang up and told "im sorry we will send one out, should be with you in 2-3 days", 5 days later i ring again "im sorry we will send one out, should be with you in 2-3 days", she has no idea why the first one has not come, 5 days later no lead so ring again "umm i have no record of you asking for a lead, will do it now and as its nokia`s fault so it will be 28 days" at this point i ask her why no records of me asking for one are on the system or why now its 28 days when twice in two weeks i was told 2-3 days.

Now i ring again after 5 weeks to be told they dont know why i have not had it and will request another should be here in 28 days. As you can guess that did not sit well with me, so i point out the numerous times i`ve called and the differing responses and that i have had an incomplete product.

I ask if i can go to one of the CPW shops and get it from them, which im told they cant do, nothing to do with them, i tell her im not impressed and may wish to cancel the phone and return it, which in return im told it is outside the 14 day return policy and therefore unlikely they will take it back, i even said this the first time i called, "shall i return the phone" and was told not to as the lead would be with me shortly.

After this long rant what are my options? Is there anyone i can complain to either within CPW who would listen or some external body?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 14:32

MVC Sale (inc Alien Quad £24.99)

Sales starts 29/9/04 - quite alot of dvds and various boxsets

alien quad - £24.99
farscape complete series boxsets - £49.99
bad boys 1&2 - £13.99
spiderman £2.99
nick of time £3.99
donnie darko - £3.99 (not the crap prism one)
terminator 2 (£5.99)

theres also joe 90, ufo, hammer boxsets, i`ll try to get a complete list with prices