Info and forum posts by 'whohasmynameuk'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 12th October 2001, 14:13, Last used: Friday, 12th October 2001, 14:13

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Big,Fat and not very funny

This user has posted a total of 20 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

New dvd player

i am thinking of upgrading from my matsui dvd110. i would like to spend less than £500 and it would have to be hack able by remote any suggestions.

Grinch (The)

is there any difference between r1 and r2

buy/sell websites

what webs can i use to sell my crap a buy other peoples

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

You can find itv2 on channel 226

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

first off i would like to thank everone who has posted on this thread this is the first 4 page thread i have had.

second i would like you all to turn to channel 226 (itv2)

thank you

This item was edited on Thursday, 22nd November 2001, 20:16


I am thing of buying a camcorder any sugestions or any web sites that a can compare different ones.I would like to spend about £600.

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss !!!!!!!!

Thank you very much for you help guys if you ever need a favour i,m your man

P.S Itv1 will be available from 10.00 am 20 th nov on 103 with the regional itv some were on the 900 channels

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

i don`t have anything else to say.

but i have never had a tread that has gone further that 4 people.

so i am trying to make this one go to 3 pages.

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

they are only there until the stop test itv1 after that there will proberly be a sh**y itv1 logo.

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

it been reported that itv1 will go live on or around 20th november. as for itv2 it will be added to sky digital soon after itv1.

RE: You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

since yesterday they have stopped testing on that frequency they are now testing on 10.906V FEC 5/6 SR: 22.0 i think the labels are the same for the different regions.

You can thank me later ITV1 ON SKY DIGITAL !!!

Press services
enter feq "10.832"
polarisation "h"
Sr "22.0"
fec "5/6"
find channels

a list of 9 channels will show up

forget the last 4

select the one that relates to you

R1 1-1: Carlton/LWT
R3 1-3: Central West
R16 1-3: HTV Wales
R4 1-4: HTV West
R6 1-5: Westcountry

add you itv1 by pressing the yellow button and thats it.

To view the channel goto "services"
and select

for other interesting info goto

RE: Will US GBA games work in a UK GBA?

what web sites sell us gba games

RE: Playstation 2 Help?

you can use the the ps1 controller and memory card but you can only save ps1 games on the ps1 memory card and ps2 games on a ps2 memory card

RE: matsui 110

you dont work for rmb do ya

Why so cheap ?

I have just order swordfish for £14.99 why is it so cheap?

Also Does anyone know where i could buy a water proof coat on the internet. I have tried some sport sites i.e and but they don`t sell items on there web pages.

What are the usa`s age certificate

The only one i know is PG - 13 But isnt there a R rating and what does that mean