Info and forum posts by 'mjohnson29'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 1st July 2002, 20:34, Last used: Monday, 1st July 2002, 20:34

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Eight Legged Freaks Hooray !!!

"was it the one on Scotswood Road?... "

It Certainly was!.....Though (I haven`t seem them anywhere else in Newcastle yet.

The local kids will be frightening pensioners with them!!!


RE: Nokia 3310 - cracked screen

£24......Hold on there mate!!!

Check out this site:

He is selling Nokia 3310/3330 screens for £9.99....only thing is the site is down at the moment as he`s on holiday...but if you can wait, it`ll save you £15!!!!!

Never ordered from them yet, but I`ve got a 3330 with a bust screen, and will be getting my replacement from here when it`s back up and running.

Hope this isn`t too late!


This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th July 2002, 21:55

RE: Which Star Wars character are you ?

I`m Lando apparently!!!

But if you see me in real life, I look more like Chewie!......except about 2 foot, er probably an Ewok!!!


RE: Anyone got a famous film location near them?

It`s not a film as such but, Byker Grove (BBC kids drama(!)) is filmed along the road (about a mile) from where I live in Newcastle.....but, *shock horror*.....I don`t live in, or anywhere near Byker!!!!!

Also, Stormy Monday, Parts of Spender and Auf Wiedershen Pet were all filmed in and around the Toon!!!!


RE: Robbie Keane going to Sunderland?........

"So is Robbie Keane going to Sunderland then ?"

Of course he isn`t.

The Robbie Keane bid was just a smoke screen to cover up the fact that on the same day, Sunderland were trying to sign a youth player from Tranmere on a free transfer.

Along with the massive signign of Phil Babb, Sunderland fans may have been slightly *miffed* that their 2 big summer signings were an over the hill ex-liverpool defender, and an 2nd divison youth team player, both for the princley sum of £0.00!

They may have placed a bid, and had it accepted, but are we to believe that Sunderland are gonna pay his £30,000+ a week wage demands?

Anyway, I think I`ve made my point in this thread, and I stick by the fact that everything I have said is FACT and nothing else!
(well, maybe except the odd bit of abuse!)

Anyway, roll on next season, let battle commence!!!!!



RE: Robbie Keane going to Sunderland?........

"Do you actually know who the last north east team was to win the league. And the FA cup."..

And the last of those was in 1973!`re the one living in the past!!!!

Newcastle won the FA Cup 3 times in 5 years in the 50`s, but I don`t keep harping back to that!!!!!!!

I`ll hold my hands up, admittadly we haven`t won anything since we won the European Fairs Cup in `69, but in the last 5 years we`ve been to 2 FA Cup finals, 1 FA Cup Semi-Final, we`ve been in the European Champions League, The UEFA cup, and we ARE in the qualifiers for next seasons Champions League.

Since we were promoted to the Premiership (9 years ago), we have been League runners-up twice, and have never yo-yo-ed between divisions. Excluding the 2 and half dark Dalglish and Gullit years, we have been considered one of the top 6 teams in the country........Can you honestly say that about Blunderland????.....FFS, You had TWO opportunities to qualify for europe, and couldn`t do it!!

What`s wrong Rocky, worried that your time with the big boys is nearing it`s end?....I really hope so!.....but next season, when your playing back in the Nationwide League, just remember those 2 seasons you finished above Newcastle in the League, cause that`s all you`ll ever have....memories. And I`m sure you`ll keep telling people about those TWO seasons!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, I notice in todays papers that Makem season ticket sales are down to 23,000 for next season......So much for loyalty, eh?

Even during the Dalglish/Gullit years, we still got capacity crowds, and season ticket sell-outs!....Because our fans knew it was only a blip, and we WOULD get our place back as one of the countries top 6 teams!


Oh sorry, that`s a SAD SAND DANCING B******!!!!!!!!!!

Makems: Your Teams a Joke, Your Chairman and Manager are Jokes, Your Fans are a Joke!!!!!!!!

The ownly thing you`ve got is a half *decent* ground.....I`m sure it`ll soon be the best......In the FIRST DIVISION!!!!!!!!!


P.S. This is not devoting energy to `Slagging` Makems off, I am mearly stating FACTS!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th July 2002, 19:21

RE: Robbie Keane going to Sunderland?........

I see the poor neighbours down the road are getting out their pram again!!!

Well, allow me to retort........

"When Sunderland were the North east`s top team (the previous 2 seasons)"......Does 2 seasons make you the TOP north east team?....I don`t think so!

And anyway, It was only 2 seasons......where were you before that?....yo-yo-ing between the premiership and the first division.

Last season proved that the previous two were just a `blip`, and that you have sunk back to your true position. Lets just hope that this season you realise your true place, and drop back to the Nationwide where you belong!!!!!

"The difference is I didn`t crow about it all the time like they r doing well."... Well you must`ve been the only one who didn`t! I`ve never known any set of fans gloat so much just because they finished above Newcastle for 2 seasons......The fact is though, those 2 seasons were pointless because you still weren`t good enough to qualify for Europe, and you still didn`t win anything.

"I`m not from Sunderland either so I`m not a Makem".... A sand dancer, eh....well that makes you even worse....supporting the makems when your not from Sunderland(?)!!!!

Sunderland fans just have a massive chip on their shoulder because they know that their club is run by a tight fisted chairman who has no ambition. He`s obviously just happy for them to try and stay in the Premiership each year. This was proved by their inability to try and sign any top quality players and build on those two 7th place finishes......You have relied on Ratboy Phillips and his bean-pole partner for too long.

What are you gonna do when Quinn is injured/Retired and Phillips decides that he`s better of at Tottenham?

Anyway, the point of this thread was to laugh at the fact that Robbie Keane didn`t want to join Sunderland....and as it stands, the only player you have signed is Phil Babb (on a free).....So you must really be looking forward to next season!......I know I am!!!!!!!

Oops,`re trying to sign some young kid from second division Tranmere (also on a free) as well, aren`t you(?)!

Stadium of s***e, full of S.M.B.


This item was edited on Saturday, 6th July 2002, 12:28

RE: Robbie Keane going to Sunderland?........

Aahh, your a Man United supporter, eh?

Sorry Elephant, but from your Pro-Sunderland Argument I thought you were a Makem.......and being called one of them is much worse than what r8sso just called you!!!!!!, erm, sorry!

My point still stands though, compared to Sunderland, there is no comparison in each clubs apparent ambition...the facts are there to be seen in terms of signings, etc.

This thread did however start off as a bit of a laugh at Sunderlands expense for not being able to attract a big name signing....You took it away on some tangent about crowds/capacities, etc. for some reason!

Is it the fact that Arsenal took your toys off you this season, you need someone to have a go at????

And anyway, if anyone should know about their supporters being glory hunting bandwagon jumpers, eating `prawn sarnies`, it`s your lot!!!....Everyone knows that all true Mancs support City!

By the way, what part of London are you from??????


RE: What football team do you all support?

"Where were you a few seasons ago."....

I was there mate, as I have been ever since I began suppoorting them as a child. I was there when they got the 10,000 crowds at the bottom of the second division, as I am when we are up top of the premiership.

The only reason Sunderland get crowds anywhere near capacity is because they keep giving tickets away to local schools, and sell them at reduced rates!!!!!

Mind you, who would pay full price to watch Blunderland anyway!!!

I think the fact that Robbie Keane doesn`t want to join Sunderland sums it up!....Thta`s gonna make the club look really good to any other prospective targets!....

.....Although you have signed Phil Babb (?)!!!!!


This item was edited on Wednesday, 3rd July 2002, 07:41

Robbie Keane going to Sunderland?........

I don`t think so!......,,1-1056454,00.html

Good on yer Rob, Knew you were too good for them!!!!!!

Still, At least you`s got Phil Babb!!.......Hee, Hee!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd July 2002, 20:21

RE: What football team do you all support?

"The mighty red n` whites...Sunderland."

Mmmm....17th in the league, 29 goals scored, now THATS mighty!!!!!!




This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd July 2002, 18:31

RE: What football team do you all support?

Thats not THE Steve Watson, is it????

Can you still do them somersault throw ins?????


RE: What football team do you all support?

Newcastle United......The ONLY team in the North East!!!!!!