Info and forum posts by 'Poncho'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 5th September 2000, 17:43, Last used: Tuesday, 5th September 2000, 17:43

Access Level: Competent

About this user: TV Philips 32dw6834
Vid Philips silver thingy
Deawoo then Thompson and now waiting for the Philips756

This user has posted a total of 121 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.1 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Need help finding the button :-)

Hi all
My friend has a Crown dvd player and I am trying to enable vcd on it for him, I have found this hack on here......
-Insert a music CD and press stop on your remote.
-Press the menu button
-Press 1, Index menu button, eject
-a secret menu appears-if you press 1 this enables VCD playback.
the only problem is we can`t figure out which is the "index" button , I have also seen it called the (1-All) button.
Please can someone help, also is there a way to disable Macro on it.
Thanks for any replies.
While Im here does anyone know if the Philips 756 can play mp3`s yet.

Philips 756 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK I am that stupid, the probs I had with the 756 (B&W pic on some VCD`s) was all down to me connecting the thing wrong. It now plays all my Vcd`s and the picture is excelent. Sorry Jimbo, looks like I`ll be sticking with this one but I will be buying some DVD`s off you in the future.
Thanks for all the help.

RE: which philips

Philips 756 from Empire direct £199
Had mine about a week and apart from stupidity on my part ( connecting it to the wrong scart on my TV) it plays everything and the picture is great.
Can`t say anything about the sound as I don`t have the right setup to comment.

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Yeah I know the qual on some of them is a bit messy but the ones that I tried are DVD rips and played fine on the Daewoo and the Thompson that I had. I thought maybe there were some settings that needed changing or something but I cant find anything.

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!not another return :-(((((

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Hi Ruff1
I just got my 756 and am having probs playing some vcd`s on it, have you had any probs??
It plays some Ok but others only in B&W but when I fast forward it goes colour and then only plays frame by frame, wierd Eh..

Help with Philips 756 pleeaassee!!!!!!!!!!! ;-))Jimbo ??

Alright Jimbo I know, you told me so.....
I got a 756 from empire direct on Wednesday and it seems to be a very good machine but I am having a problem with some Vcd`s I have, it plays some really well but others only in B&W but when I fast forward it, it turns to colour and will only play frame by frame, any ideas people, is it something to do with the NTSC you were talking about Jimbo????????
Please help as I am sick of changing players now but with that in mind, does anyone know how long I have to send it back for a refund (internet purchase)

Thanks for any replies
Jimbo, can you mail me and let me know about the lg3350, cheeers

RE: Does anyone know Thomson DTH-4000 Macrovision hack ?

Hi Larp
Sorry I can`t answer your question but can you tell me if the 4000 will play VCD on CDR`s

RE: Hack for Philips 756 DVD Player Needed Urgently

If you see something on Empire you like go then to and they will match and beat it 999 times out of 1000 + no delivery charge, I bought TV & VId from hed and found them great, give them a ring if you don`t see what you want as they can get almost anything.
Hope I`m not dissapointed with the756, been searching for too long now.

RE: Hack for Philips 756 DVD Player Needed Urgently

They wont as its an online store and as its only £250 at currys I think the price is right so no secrets, £199 + £7 delivery. I called HED as thats where I bought my TV and Vid from and they price match and beat, but they said they could only do it for £297 so I snapped it up from Empire. I think HED got the wrong one, I`m sure they wouldn`t be more expensive than Currys. Ah well Ruff £40 not too hard to swallow, unless its £40 worth of Brussel sprouts that is :-)

RE: Hack for Philips 756 DVD Player Needed Urgently

I`ve ordered one already, I won`t say where yet (unless I already have) as it seems extremely cheap and I still think I`m going to get a call saying "sorry we made a mistake"
I have a Philips TV & Vid so it will go great with those, you don`t know if the PHilips TV or Vid remote can perform the hack do you??

PHILIPS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Aiwa XD-DV370 in SILVER

Its a Philips 756 in glorious SILVER £207 inc delivery.
My TV and Video are Philips so that made my mind up even though it doesn`t have as many features as the Aiwa ( I have a pdf file with all the specs on if anyone wants one I will mail) it has most of the features I want.
PHILIPS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope;-))

RE: Aiwa DV370 bought today from Comet!!!!!

Congregation Of Masturbating Electrical Tinkers

No offence to tinkers meant.

This item was edited on Friday, 12nd January 2001, 21:18

RE: An Aiwa for £169.99, but which model?

I bet they don`t have any (they better bloody not anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hed were sellimg it for £164 but I miised out on that as well.

PHILIPS 756 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

RE: Hack for Philips 756 DVD Player Needed Urgently

Cheers Ian, I`ll hunt for a one4all remote now>

Help on the Philips 756 pleeassee!!!!!!!!!!

I have just ordered a Philips 756 because I can`t get a bloody SILVER Aiwa as most of you will know. Does anyone own or know anything about the 756.
Grateful for all info. Is there a macro hack?

RE: Hack for Philips 756 DVD Player Needed Urgently

Ruff 1, can you tell me what this player is like as I`ve just ordered one from Empiredirect,
Whats the pic quality like?
Did you have to use a universal remote for the hack? and was it easy enough?
can you disable mac?
Thanks for any help.

RE: Aiwa XD-DV370 in SILVER

Is April already, if its not I`m well p***ed off because I`ve just ordered a DVD player today you bunch of bollocking bastards, its a conspiricy isn`t it, you all knew where I could get a SILVER one didn`t you :-)

I`m off to sit in my rocking chair now so sod off #-?


Go for it Jimbo,
I`ll buy some films off you and maybe a player if my little secret goes pear shaped ;-)

RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

Jimbo, what are the chances of enabling VCD on the 3350e as this is a lovely little SILVER player and would be ideal if it played VCD on CDR of course ;-))

RE: This is for Poncho, but ya aint gonna like it!

Its just not fair ;_(((((((((((
What about the info you got saying the last batch was silver?? and the guy who asked you for help and he had a different colour code than KN, whats going on, I feel like I`m in the Twilight Zone.
Jimbo stop teasing and give me a bloody SILVER one.

007, is it SILVER (hmm)0oo..:-( its all Microstars fault!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does the Thompson DHT 4000 play VCD

Anybody know if this machine plays vcd on cdr,,,,just asking for a friend.

RE: Thomson it actually any good ???

Yoshi, all your problems are over, Argos sell them, I had one over Christmas and it wasn`t too bad. It played all my VCD,s and MP3`s although it did jump a few times on the mp3`s though, which is one of the reasons I took it back, no questions asked.Its also not very SILVER, front is but the rest of it`s pretty grey.
Good old Argos, pity they don`t sell the Aiwa, I could see what the champagne one looked like with my TV,Vid.

This item was edited on Monday, 8th January 2001, 16:24

RE: A thought on the opinions on DVD players in this forum

Well said Acolyte###################
It must be so hard being middle class, you can`t talk to the workers because they`re not good enough for you and you can`t speak to the true upper classes as they see you for what you really are,,,,,,FAKE

So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: A thought on the opinions on DVD players in this forum

>Although how do we know Microstar is what he says he is? He might >be a member of the "British working class" who is dreaming of life >beyond his station.

Thats makes him middle class doesn`t it?????

RE: Calling ANY LG 3350 owner with a bit of bottle and a digital camera!!

What about sticking all the bits into a Cornflakes packet, spraying it SILVER and sending it to me Jimbo ;-))))

What is the advantage of an onboard decoder??? I presume you wouldn`t need an amp or would you?? sorry haven`t got a clue about these things.

C ouldn`t O range M ore E lephants T onight

I think its got to me #-}]{]

RE: A thought on the opinions on DVD players in this forum

>The British working class are generally only interested in moaning, >whinging and sitting on their backsides reading the Sun,

Sounds like your far too grand to be mixing with the moaning working class people that this forum attracts. I think you would be much happier back in the good old US of A with a few of them servents bringing you cucumber sandwiches or we could always bring Maggie back eh, at least that would give someone a chance to shoot the old bag

I also admire Nelly for coming on this forum and facing the flack and don`t even know you, but if you read your last post carefully and don`t think """what a tw*t""" then I`m glad I won`t be reading any more of your posts.
You are the weakest link,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Goodbye.

PS. If it was just to shock and p*** some people off then good on ya, but I don`t think so somehow

RE: A thought on the opinions on DVD players in this forum

"Neither do some of the abusive characters who post on here "
Abusive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

Noboff >:->

RE: A thought on the opinions on DVD players in this forum

I would have been stuck with a s***ty Daewoo if it hadn`t been for this forum,,,,bastards, it was SILVER :-}

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 17:29

RE: Proline 2000 and Comet; Watch out!!!

Now that would be worth spraying silver, Go ahead Jimbo, make my day.


C ompletely O bsolete M aladministered E mployee T raining

not you though Jimbo, as you are not a Cometion ;-)

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 17:33

RE: Comet are F****** shite

Just bought "How to beat the stresses of life" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,on DVD aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

hhhhhhheeeeeeeeellllllppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp mmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

C ongregation O f M alfunctioning E lectrical T ossers SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 16:23