Page 1 of Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

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Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 23:41

Does the Philip 750 hack only work for R1 discs. I want to purchase an R3 disc but I am not sure if this will work in my machine.

Would be grateful if someone could shed some light on this.

Many thanks

Ruff 1

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 01:02

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 09:13

Thanks Alan....the OneForAll page is not available on this site however.....the browser reports error 404 - page not found.

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 09:16

yeah.....i know...(i`ll be finishing it today.....)....
but the region code for Region 3 is there..

see yah!.....


RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 13:30


Thanks.........I checked your site and the Oneforall page is working. I already have this hack which works a treat. Does that mean that I`m already R3 compatitble or do I have to do something with my Philips Remote which looks completely different to the one on your Philips remote page. If I do have to do something with the Philips do I do it.....

Apologies for sounding completely THICK!!!!!!

Ruff 1

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 14:49

The ONEFORALL hack makes the player MULTI-REGION...all region....including region 3......

so once you enter that code you can watch discs from anywhere in the world.......

the other codes can be entered using the oneforall or the philips remote.......they`re handy incase an improved version of RCE is can just use manual switching to get around it.....

as for the philips remote itself.....It`s a scan of the remote that came with my Philips 710 back in November 751 comes with a completely different remote.....(it`s silver!).....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 16:24

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

obseco (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 15:42

I can play regions 1,2 & 4 with Haggis hack.

I don`t have any R3 disc, but I suposse this hack makes the player full multiregion.

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 21:01

Many thanks to you all........I`ve decided to buy the R3 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon....If it works I`ll buy y`all a beer!!!!!

Ruff 1

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Poncho (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 23:16

Hi Ruff1
I just got my 756 and am having probs playing some vcd`s on it, have you had any probs??
It plays some Ok but others only in B&W but when I fast forward it goes colour and then only plays frame by frame, wierd Eh..

RE: Region 3 Hacks for Philips 756 Player

Ruff 1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 09:16

Hey Ponch....

I think some VCD`s are badly produced and may not be digital at all. I bought House on the Haunted Hill at a computer fair and although it plays with colour intact etc etc.... it is no match for true DVD quality. Also a friend of mine has a dedicated VCD player with masses of titles but the quality is not at all good with the loss of colour on some films and terrible lip synch problems.

To be honest I would stick to DVD`s and not bother with VCD`s.....

What does anyone else think about this issue?????


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