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Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

mall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 12:58

I really wanted a Aiwa 370 but cannot wait any longer for a dvd player.
I have a shortlist of 2 but am open to any other recomendation.
My budget is £250.
1. PIONEER 530/535
2 LGL DVD 3350E

I dont want to cock up like my mate who bought a Alba .
So i have to make a good choice first time.
Any info/recomendation greatly appreciated.

RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

lievn (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 13:09

If u really wanted an Aiwa 370, then u should go for the LG 3350e, since it`s virtually the same except for the built in Dolby Digital decoding wich the LG has and the Aiwa hasn`t and the VCD playback wich the Aiwa has and the LG hasn`t.

If u do want VCD playback and don`t need MP3 nor built in Dolby Digital decoding, then go for the Pioneer 535 or even the 530 (if u want silver).

More info on the LG:

more info on the Aiwa (just to keep things even ;)


RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

orac (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 13:48

The LG 3350e does play MP3 doesn`t it?

Anyway if you wanted the AIWA, then go for the LG3350e (just like above posting).

Its very similar to the AIWA, the stuff inside is the same, it will give the same clear picture. Its a superb machine (AIWA) are/were doing the LG 3350e for £189.00.

This item was edited on Monday, 8th January 2001, 13:49

RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

lievn (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 14:34

Yes it does, I never said it didn`t.


RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

orac (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 15:34

sorry - ¦°e\/[\]

RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

lievn (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 15:47

There was no offense taken orac.

You see fella`s things can be made differently around here.....

Cumba ya me looord Cumba yaaaaaa....



RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 16:36

>>"since it`s virtually the same except for the built in Dolby Digital decoding wich the LG has and the Aiwa hasn`t and the VCD playback wich the Aiwa has and the LG hasn`t. "

For the time being anyways...but Jimbo seems to be on track to enabling BOTH on BOTH machines! :o)

Honest to goodness! Just waiting for the LG rep to get his 3350 to try it with VCD before I release this "world wide" in case it doesn`t work!
(see, he can get his service boys to still repair his machine if we bugger it up! lol)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!

RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

mall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 17:29

Well guys thanks for the prompt replies.
Just 1 question.
1. what exactly is Dolby Digital decoding ?

I will be using my Rotel amplifier on my hi-fi to feed the sound through and my tv is a sharp widescreen with 3 scart sockets.(nicam).

RE: Fed up of waiting for comet/Aiwa370...........time to choose...advice needed.

Poncho (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 19:07

Jimbo, what are the chances of enabling VCD on the 3350e as this is a lovely little SILVER player and would be ideal if it played VCD on CDR of course ;-))

Tease Me, Please Me

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 19:35

> Just waiting for the LG rep to get his 3350 to try it with VCD. . .

That`s a little tease you dropped in there Jimbo. Would that be by using the theory from the other thread or some other method?

Has the rep come good with any more Macro info?

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