Info and forum posts by 'AT'

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Joined on: Monday, 18th September 2000, 16:53, Last used: Monday, 18th September 2000, 16:53

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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I had problems with this disk. Played OK up to about chapter 13 then froze. Couldn`t play beyond that point even if selected via menus. Also had a problem with the trailer.
Returned disk to Play247 and got a refund. They have also had problems. I think there was a bad batch as other people have had no problems. Who supplied your disk and when did you get it? Mine was bought a few months ago.
Hopefully a R2/R4 release will be forthcoming?

RE: Help please with Scart Switch box problem

Heather: thanks for the response.
My switcher is the one with the small button to toggle between the 2 inputs
ref BM84F
it`s the one with the built in output scart lead. Is yours the same or do you use the one where you need to supply a seperate output lead (and does it do RBG)?


RE: Help please with Scart Switch box problem

Thanks for the response. I think when I tried it that the fault remained with the SKY side, but I`ll try it again tonight. The switch doesn`t seem to completely isolate the "OFF" circuit as it is possible to see ghosted images when watching a DVD when the SKY box is still on. Maybe that points to a fault in the switch as well. Does anyone out there sell a 2>1 switch that "completely" isolates each signal?


Help please with Scart Switch box problem

My set up is as follows:


No problem when EITHER the VCR/SKY is connected to the switch OR the DVD is connected to the Switch.

BUT, when the DVD and SKY/VCR are both connected to the switch at the same time: whether the DVD is ON or OFF, the SKY picture suffers - a lack of contrast, hazy, colours muted. As soon as the DVD lead is unplugged all is OK. So in order to watch DVD I need to plug in the scart lead to the switch only when I am using it, or put up with the poor SKY quality all the time. Not really a problem but the life of the connectors will drop with all the unplugging. The DVD picture is fine whatever.

Anyone have any ideas what causes the SKY picture to deteriorate when the DVD player happens to be plugged into the switch box? It`s a Maplin switch box - 2 inputs to one output, little switch to toggle between the two inputs.

Thanks in advance

RE: Which budget players definitely convert NTSC to PAL?

2 observations - BUT: can anyone confirm who actually owns the hardware?:

1) the LG3200 from Techtronix is supposed to do PAL50 (they supplied it modified to be Macro Free and Region Free) -

2) Here`s a reply I received from InterDVD re the Yelo 800 and PAL50.

Yelo have assured us that their 800 DVD/MP3 Player is PAL 50. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me directly at the address below. Or alternatively, you could contact the Yelo Customer Service Centre on: 0208 366 0000.

Kind regards

Paul Wareing
Head Of Customer Service

RE: Total DVD Budget Shoot out!

Does the Yelo 800 output PAL50?

RE: Need purchase advice

Thanks for the reply. I cannot find any info re the Yelo 800. Any

I must admit to be considering the LG 3200E from Techtronix with the
mods, £199: it seems to support Region 1; NTSC>PAL50 and VCR mode.

Any opinions?

Thanks again.

Need purchase advice

I have carefully read all the advice here, but I need some up to date comments on a sub-£200 player capable of....

1) Region 1 & Region 2 Playback (via remote hack if required)
2) Macrovision disable
3) PAL 50 output of an NTSC title ( to work on an old TV)

Anyone with any advice would be appreciated: most comments
don`t seem to worry about PAL 50 but it is important to me due to the
age of my TV. Is PAL50 the same as psuedo PAL?
