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Info and forum posts by 'Becksibee'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 22:57, Last used: Tuesday, 23rd March 2010, 01:05

Access Level: Mostly Harmless


This user has posted a total of 47 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Internet Explorer closing down

Hi Guys,

i was wonding if anyone could help. Everytime my friend goes onto certian webpages he get the message staying

"Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

with the option to send message or dont send message

He has clicked to send the message but it still is not working they have given advice on what to do to try and solve the problem but nothing.

I was wondering if anyone could help me with problem?

Thanks in advice


RE: ADSL Router Trouble please help

Cheers guys i will let you know how i got on. Thanks for your help.

RE: Copying DVD`s - any good software?

DVD shrink is ALL i use for my DVD. It is like one of the best out there especially with the cost of it aswell :D

ADSL Router Trouble please help

Hello today my Dad bought a Mentor Full Rate ADSL Router
Integrated 4port 10/100Mbps switch

It has come with no instruction manual but also no CD Rom. We can not take it back just yet as he bought it from the northen computer market i was just wondering if i could download it from any were also download the manual as we do not know how to set it up.

or even if anyone can help

I have an external Broadband modem and on my local connection of Karoo.

Thank in advance


This item was edited on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 17:35

novelty bank notes


A friend of mine give me a DVD full of novelty Bank Notes. It has cartoons and TV and film stuff like that on it.

But i am having a problem printing them off on the right size

I was wondering if anyone could recomend a program that i could use to do this as my niece is nagging me for the BRATZ one as well as the buffy one and the mary0kate and ashely one.

I hope you can help

Thanks in advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

RE: Want to make my DVD-RW region free


Thanks for that i will check it out


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Want to make my DVD-RW region free


I was wondering if anyone could help. I am trying to back a Region 1 DVD on to my hard drive but my DVD-RW wont let me cuz u only get so many chances. Is they a softwear or something i could get to solve this problem. Please help.

BTW: It is the Medion one from Alidi the same as the Pioneer 106.

Thanks in advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th February 2005, 16:25

Kazaa Lite

Hi i am trying to get Kazaa lite working for a firend but it will not connect. I have tried dissconection the Firewall and disconnect teh Windows frewall. Also i restarted the computer. Please help.


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Looking for Buffy DVD Boxset 39 Disc Set


I am looking for he Buffy DVD Boxset 39 Disc Set i cant get it from most sites that i have looked at as it is solfd out. i was wondering if anyone knew of any webistes in whcih they will still ave stock in

i would be most apprecheated. Thanks in advance

Please email me

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

RE: Gameboy colour game on gameboy advance SP

Thanks alot. my niece should enjoy :D :D

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Gameboy colour game on gameboy advance SP

Hey All,

My brother has just bought a gameboy colour game for my niece for christmas thinking of a gameboy advance SP will it work on the console or are they different? We can`t test it as the gamboy is a christmas box of her parents and is wrapted up. Would be greatful if someone can help?

Thanks in advance

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Past and present of Television Technology sites needed


I am looking for a webiste on the Technology past and present of TV for an assignement. Ne help would be more then greatful ASAP.

Thanks in Advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

RE: Website recommendation for Sat. Nav system -


Sorry John72 i have not but i came across the site aswell and i am also wondering what its like or any others. I am looking to get one for my self forchristmas (we all gotta treat ourselfs)

Woulf be greatful if anyone could inform me on this

Thanks in advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2004, 19:05

Help: Buffy Once more with feeling

This request applies to the Region 2 of Buffy Once more with feeling

Looking for any hidden extras on This DVD. Its the special edition of the DVD.

Thanks in advance


Help: Buffy Season 1,2,3 Region 1

This request applies to the Region 1 of Buffy Season 1,2,3 Region 1

Any hidden extras in any of the disk on these season Region1

Anything would be great

Thanks in advance

RE: Atari 2600

Hey thanks dude

I will now go put that information into my fathers capable hands so i dont get blamed for anything.

If it blows up i will cry :(

Thanks Again


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Atari 2600

Hey everyone

This might sound like a daft thing to post on here but people on here sound smart and gamers I just dug my old Atari 2600 out and there is no power Suply to it. I was wondering if anyone knows what Voltage the Atari 2600 takes so i can set it up. I want to show my niece who is 8 the clasic system`s i grow up with. She already think`s it`s amazing just buy lookin at the games :D LOL

Thanks in advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

This item was edited on Saturday, 16th October 2004, 12:59

RE: History behind DVDs needed for college project.

Jimbo :oÞ

Thankyou very much it say everything i need. I appresheate you help. My friend was right people in this forum are helpful.


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

History behind DVDs needed for college project.

Hi everyone

I was wondering if anyone from this site could help me.

I am studying media and need to research the hostory ETC behind DVDs. I was wondering if there is any sites out there which could help me. People own views are more then welcome to . Also site on what will be next from DVDs.

I would be greatful if anyone could help.

thanks in advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Star Trek symbol thing on number plate

Hey everyone

I was wondering if anyone could help me, My dad saw a number plate the otherday and it it had a star trek symbol on it were the euro symbol usually is he asked if i could have alook online for him but not found anything

does anyone have a idea were i could get this from for him?

Thanks in Advance


"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

This item was edited on Sunday, 22nd August 2004, 02:21

Vodafone Half price Texts

Hello Everyone

Last year my cousin told me about a code you can put into your vodafone phone and she said she would get me it of her friend it turns out her frined has changed networks and no longer knows the code. Does anyone no were i can find the code please as texting my friend who has moved out of town a lot of money now.

Thanks in advance

Becky :)

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

RE: How many DVDs have you received in one day?

mine was 10 but the very nice royal mail (who usually loose them) strapted them all togeather and hand deliverd them to my door in a van. All because one of them (my Buffy box set) needs signing for.

Wasnt to bad though.

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

phoebe buffay (friends) guitar tabs


Not sure if this is the right bored but i am looking for guitar tabs for phoebe buffay from friends. for the songs like Smelly Cat ETC.

Hope someone can help



"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Cheap friends box sets from play

Hey i duno if people are intrested but Play has a special offer on the friends box sets from 17.99 (sorry lost pound sign) Click Here to be directed stright to them.

becky :D

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

RE: Tesco - Mini DV Tapes

Hey cool.

What make are they though?

"Nobody dies a virgin, lifescrews us all"

Help: Bring it on

This request applies to the Region 2 of Bring it on

I am looking for the eater egg for Bring it On, i carnt find it can anyone help please?

thanks in advance



Hey Ben,

Thanks for them links and the advice i will try that. Off in town after college 2mora to get a new PS2 game so i will see what i can do and i have already emailed them no luck of anything yet though. Could take a couple of Days.

Thanks again

and there isnt many girls on here is they

"There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."

RE: Aldi DVD burner £79.99 & other stuff

Hi lcarter
I have a DVD Burner from Aldi and in most of the copying systems it does actually say to the source it is recording to Pioneer ****106* (**** measn letters and number) i took a screen shot and as soon as i get home i will email it to you as i am curentelly at college.

Hope this helps yeah

"There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."


Hello, does anyone no were i can find as much information out on the advertiseing of Nokia N-Gage`s mostly in the UK but also in the USA. i would like any format e.g. TV, Radio, newpaper ECT. I would be more then greatful.

Thanks in advance


"There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."

RE: N-Gage covers

Thanks for that am gunna get one i think

"There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."