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Info and forum posts by 'andyk214'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 19th October 2004, 11:51, Last used: Monday, 8th March 2010, 09:43

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 28 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: UK model Wii owners read and reply please!


Having the exact same problem as you with the noisy psu, and it being quiet when in exactly the same conditions as you mentioned.

It may be a faulty batch, as I`ve had my Wii less than a month! Any joy from Nintendo?

Refurbished MP3 players @ Currys

Not sure whether this is nationwide or not, but went to my local Currys (Nottingham)yesterday and they had refurbished Logik MP3 players going cheap.

Not much stock left, but prices were £14.99 for 256mb, £29.99 for 512mb and £39.99 for 1gb.

Any recommendations for a new MP3 player?

I`ve currently got a Rio Karma 20gb HD player, however, the headphone socket has just died, so I can only play the player through the docking station. Because of this, I`m after a new player.

Ideally I`m looking for something with most of these features...
- at least 20gb hard drive (I`ve got alot of music!!!)
- plays MP3, WMA, and OGG files (OGG not really a neccessity, but would be nice)
- comes with docking station with RCA (?) sockets (so I can plug into the back of a stereo)

I`m not particulary bothered about video playback or a colour screen. Also, if possible I want to steer away from an IPod (everyone`s got one).

So, any suggestions???

I`ve been looking at a Creative Zen, has anyone got any reports, good or bad?

This item was edited on Monday, 5th June 2006, 11:31

RE: What ISP Do You Use With XBox Live?

Thanks for the advice. I think the plan of action will be to keep NTL for broadband, and get TV and phone from other providers.

What ISP Do You Use With XBox Live?

NTL have been jerking me around for a couple of months and so I`m going to change ISP. Can anyone recommend an ISP that can be used with Xbox Live?

The Xbox website did have a list of certified ISP`s, but with the redesign of the site, I can`t seem to find the info.

I`m currently on NTL 2mb broadband, and the modem goes through a Linksys wireless router via ethernet for my wireless network (2 desktops, a laptop, and XBox via a wireless ethernet bridge - Linksys also).

I also don`t live in an area with Telewest, and my local BT exchange is ADSL ready. Any suggestions would be great.

RE: Xbox/Xbox360 gamertags


Send me a FR. I haven`t got a 360, so only XBox games I`m afraid.

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Star Wars Battlefront II and Far Cry: Instincts both on XBox. Not taken either of them on line yet, so that will be next. Anyone else play these on XBox Live?

RE: Santa`s huge sack (o` games n` stuff)

I`m hopefully getting Star Wars Battlefront 2, True Crime New York City, and Far Cry Instincts all for Xbox.

Recently bought Half-Life 2 and Burnout Revenge for Xbox. Half Life 2 is utterly fantastic.

This item was edited on Friday, 16th December 2005, 12:37

RE: PS2 or Xbox..??? are currently selling the XBox for £79.99, and I think that the PS2 is still selling for around £100. Not sure on the second hand market cost.

As for games, PS2 has the shear volume, but in that is some real dross. Places like Game and Gamestation have masses of second hand PS2 games so you should be able to pick up some real bargins. Saying that, you can pick up some real Xbox game bargins as well (Farcry £17.99).

I`ve had a PS2 and I`ve got an Xbox. I presonally prefer the Xbox.

I suppose it comes down to what you want out of your games. If you want a large supported network for online play and slightly better looking games, go Xbox. If you want a massive back catalogue of games, PS2 is the way to go.

Just my opinion.

Sending a SMS message to a Virgin mobile from a web based email account

Just want to know if it can be done and if so how.

My network is Virgin and I have a hotmail and a gmail account. I can send messages to an email account from my mobile, but I want to be able to send an SMS message to my mobile.

Apologies for being thick.

RE: Does anyone really read this forum? *Cool, a tumbleweed...*

Thanks for the welcome.

As in Viewtiful Mark`s post, I cannot see how these young `uns can have 100+ original games. I thought I had alot with 30 original XBox games. The main difference is that I either wait for the sales (see - games for under a tenner :D ) or buy second hand games (Gamestation anyone???).

I too am an older gamer (30 in a matter of weeks) and so finding time to play games is starting to become moer difficult. For me, I like to wait a while to get a game so as I can see whether it really does live up to the hype.

RE: Does anyone really read this forum? *Cool, a tumbleweed...*

GUILTY! I`m a gamer and although I visit the site everyday, don`t post much (either on the Bargin Buckets forum - don`t seem to find any bargins, or in the Gaming forum because the expendable income for for games is low and so don`t get many new games).

It`s an interesting point about the number of posts on gaming sites going down. The site I always visit has seen a reduction in postings and posters!

I really must try harder!

XBox £79.99 From

Just found this, so apologies if it`s old news.

Look`s like they may be starting to get rid of their old stock in prepartion for the XBox360.

RE: Xbox 360 Now available at Play - £279

You`d like to think so, but then again, this is Microsoft we`re talking about!

As for the 360, I think I`ll be waiting a few months before I take the plunge. Let them sort out the bugs first, and wait for the 360 games catlogue to build up a little first.

RE: Xbox 360 Now available at Play - £279

Just a question about the wireless controllers. Would there be any interference with the wireless network?

My current XBox is connected to my network through a Linksys Wireless G ethernet bridge running at 2.4Ghz. All the wireless controllers I`ve seen also run on 2.4Ghz. I know that you can choose different channels, and granted, you pick up wireless controllers for £15, but is it worth it if it potentially buggers up your Live capabilities...or am I just being incredibly dense.

RE: Lets get all nostalgic and play,

Very first computer was ZX Spectrum 48K. Now that was fantastic! Then graduated to a ZX Spectrum 128K +2 (with the inbuilt cassette deck - Amstrad CPC464 anyone??) All of a sudden, all the games took twice as long to load, but they now had sound and some even had voice (woo hoo).

RE: Which MP3 Player?

I`ve got a Rio Karma. 20GB and it`s got my whole music collection on. It plays MP3, WMA, and Ogg Vorbis files. Never had any trouble with it, and has enough features to play around with, `mix it up`.

Its definetly a worthy adversary to the `Pod (if you`re not wanting a Pod that is), and Stuff magazine rates it at number 2 in their top 10 MP3 players.

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Unreal Championship 2 on Xbox.

Can`t get enough of this game. I especially like the custom matches - 50 Frags, Instagib, and 8 players on the map. Longest match time so far...4 mins!

Ghost Recon 2 - Yes Or No

As the title suggests, should I or sharnt I???

Game currently has it as offer of the day for XBox for £17.99

RE: Game - Deal of the Day !

Todays deal is Golden Eye: Rogue Agent for PS2 - 19.99

RE: Christmas Parody Songs?

This thread got me a-thinking, and so I tried looking for some of the tracks as well. A good chunk of the Christmas parody songs are by Bob Rivers (as previously mentioned). I think the CD is "More Twisted Christmas" or something and can be ordered from Amazon. However, because its an import the site says it will take about 2 weeks!

Try the following website for low quality (16 - 32KB) mono rips. Not the best by any means, but they`re free :D

If anyone finds better quality rips let me know!!

XBox Live Driving Game Recommendations

I`m looking at getting a decent driving game that I can play on XBox Live. Ideally, it will just be a `Pick-Up-And-Play` one.

I`ve been looking at Outrun 2, any thoughts or other suggestions.


GamerTag: SqueakyWheel

RE: Your fave controversial song or album.

Not much to include that hasn`t already been mentioned...

F*** Tha Police - N.W.A
Cop Killer - Bodycount

Also, what about

Closer - Nine Inch Nails (with the classic lyrics "I want to f*** you like an animal")
Killing In The Name Of - Rage Against The Machine

RE: XBox Live Newbie

Well after NTHell finally decided to turn up and install broadband, I`m now setup, and have been ritually humiliated by several american yoofs` over the weekend. If anyone is up for a game, my gamertag is...


If I`m going to be fragged, then I prefer to be fragged by a local!

XBox Live Newbie

After much deliberation I`ve decided to get onto XBox Live (as soon as NTL sort out my broadband connection). However, being a newbie to online gaming, I want to be able to get into a couple of games.

This may sound a little dense, but can anyone recommend any areas, game types, sites(????) for a newbie in Halo 2 and Star Wars Battlefronts. It would be interesting to see how I fair online!!!

Any help greatly appreciated.

Cheap USB Pen Drives

I thought that these were a bargin, but I could be wrong...

You do have to pay p&p, but even with it added, they`re still almost half the price of other pen drives I`ve seen.