Info and forum posts by 'Samstan'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 6th December 2004, 19:58, Last used: Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 07:37

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 32 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

:( Richzel IV passed away last night. He was the best Gremlin I`ve trained with a best position of #4 in the league during his lifespan.

I won`t be creating a new one for a couple of weeks as I have a holiday coming up.

RE: Good luck Beth for tomorrow

Best of luck for this coming weekend :)

RE: fat assed one is in a mood

:o 1 hit of 2195 - he`s picking his head from the next continent!!!! ;)

Mind you Richzel has dished out some beatings of his own this morning :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 10th April 2005, 11:52

RE: fat assed one is in a mood

Your Gremlin is rather aggressive today, Richzel`s head is spinning ;)

Have a good day out 8)

RE: What`s up with my Gremlin?!

Richzel says thanks and sorry he won with 1 punch ;)

RE: What`s up with my Gremlin?!

Thats all right Charli :), you`re one of the ones who I was refering to that was challenging Richzel.

Richzel looks like being my best Grem to date but is only going to live upto his potential if gets fights. And he likes fights and is geeting bored waiting!

What`s up with my Gremlin?!

Why will no one fight him. Richzel IV is only picking up 4 or 5 challenges a day and these are from people he`s challenged. He wants to fight! He`s a fit and healthy teenager who needs to burn off some excess energy by whupping other Grem`s!

He`s currently sat 86th in the league with all his stats at 628. Richzel says "Bring it On!", he`s never refused a challenge and doesn`t ever intend to refuse.


Thanks Sarah.

Charlie, I`ve issued all my challeneges today but I`ll definitely challenge you tommorow


My Richzel III died last night so his successor Richzel IV has just challenged you. He would appreciate a challenge in return if possible as he hates being on the last few pages with so many non-fighting Grems :)

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

I know I`m not a member of the main Reviewer site but as I agree completely with dispater, then if you`ll have me I`d like to come in with you guys.

RE: Firefox 1.0.1

I`m on Firefox 1.01 and having no problems. Sorry thats no help to you, though :)


I`m beginning to think your username is appropriate. ;)

RE: Challange Giveaway Part 2

My Gremlin would like a challenge please :)

Thank you!

RE: distancing myself

super-king, I`m not looking for a row but do you not think that if a pile of new people started posting on your Forum, saying things like they were going to take over and that they didn`t care what the established users thought or said, that your regular users might be a little miffed?

Whilst I agree there is no need for personal attacks I hope you (generic you ie allcomers from SL) can see why people have been upset and how some posts may have been taken the wrong way. Perhaps it just needs toning down a little? Certainly I am here for fun and I don`t care who`s Gremlins I fight (or what the results are) and I hope most (if not all) the SL group have the same attitude. :)

RE: distancing myself

Fair play jifdave! Probably a good move IMHO. When you guys 1st appeared I was tempted to pop over to your Forums and have a look (being a sports fan, and all). However, some of the people who`ve posted from there come across as 12y-o fools with no manners and an arrogant, unpleasant attitude. There`s no way I`d want to go look now TBH. And this has absolutely nothing to do with having competition as I have no idea who`s gemlin is who`s, I just accept all challenges - sometimes this means my Gremlin gets a kicking, other times he dishes a kicking out! Its to do with the way people are expressing themselves on here and the `we don`t give a damn, we`re superior` attitude that is coming across from certain individuals.

Enjoy Gremlins (and if you want to give my Grem` a kicking - bring it on ;)) :)

RE: Jealousy indeed

How old are you all? You sound about 12! Why do you feel the need to be so unpleasant?


Nugget Man - if your Gremlin is so tough, why are you ignoring the challenge I issued you over 24hrs ago?

Come on - Bring It ON!!!!!!!!

RE: Suggestion expired challenges

I suggested exactly the same a week ago! (Except I said 10XP points ;)). My Gremlin is currently in the position of having to challenge Gremlins an aweful lot stronger (ie far more XP points) or alot weaker as, according to the green bars, the majority of Gremlins around me with similar stats are not active much at all. TBH All the Gremlins that aren`t playing combined with all the lapsed challenges is really taking the fun out of this.

For example, I know today that My Gremlin is going to get his butt kicked in a load of the challenges I`ve issued and he`ll gain minimum XP points and in others he`s going to win very quickly, so agai getting minimum XP points. This means tomorrow my Gremlin won`t be a great deal stronger so he`ll be in a similar place in the league tables and so have the same problem tomorrow.

IMHO it would really improve the game if you were penalised for letting challenges lapse and also if inactive Gremlins were culled, say after 3 or 4 days of inactivity.

RE: Wasted Challenges GRRR!!

As my Gremlin has just gone to the Great Fight in the Sky I`m in the position of issuing challenges to other unknown new Gremlins so the status bar isn`t much use.

How about if a challenge is left to lapse then the challenging Gremlin is automatically credited with the win and, for example, 10XP points? This way the Gremlins/owners who don`t fight are penalised and those of us who want to fight aren`t wasting challenges, particularly in the early days.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

R.I.P. Richzel Jnr

Owner is
Strength: 1441
Stamina: 1439
Dexterity: 1439
Likes 80`s Power Ballads
Dislikes 90`s Boy Bands
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 208
Lost: 170
Challenges Waiting: 0

RE: What, afraid I may win, or just do as you and try to get xp???

I`ve had a few funny results today as well. Significant losses (over in a few rounds) against Grem`s with very similar stats. And been beaten by Gremlins ranked alot lower than my Grem.

BTW If anyone has any challenges and wants a fight Richzel Jnr is ready and waiting :)

RE: Fight me

Sorry Zoddie, Richzel Jnr just kicked your butt (again!) ;) Bring it on again tomorrow :D

RE: Fight or terminate

Is it not posible for these gremlins to be auto-terminated? Although the new activity bar has helped see who is fighting so you don`t wasye challenges, its a pain when you have a young gremlin having to look through pages of gremlins to pick active ones to challenge. If the dead wood was removed it would help.

RE: Arrrgghhhh Why do people create new Gremlins and then not fight them?

Thanks Mr Kyle, I`ve already issued my challenges for the day but I may come calling with my puny little gremlin tomorrow - be afraid! ;)

RE: Arrrgghhhh Why do people create new Gremlins and then not fight them?

Problem is when you create a Gremlin your green bar is empy cos you haven`t fought. I challenged others with no fights as I assumed they were in the same boat as me. Unfortunately all bar one hasn`t taken my challenge. So my Gremlin is 2 days old and has only had 5 fights :(

I may well be challenging you guys tomorrow even if it means my Gremlin gets a kicking, I`m bored of keep checking to see if I have any challenges or fights to view.

Arrrgghhhh Why do people create new Gremlins and then not fight them?

My gremlin Worzie died 2 days ago (RIP). So I created a new Gremlin - Richzel Jnr, yesterday. I`ve issued 20 challenges yet almost all of them have been ignored and are outstanding. Its so frustrating when i want to train up my Gremlin yet other people can`t be bothered. Why create a gremlin if you don`t intend accepting/ issuing challenges?

RE: New Fight Code

I`m now confused. I was just challenged by a Gremlin 13 places higher up the league (Cuddles in 9th), who had better stats than my Gremlin. We tied on rounds (with me only needing a hit of 8 to score a knockout). But as the challenger the victory was awarded to Cuddles. That doesn`t seem fair :-(

RE: New Fight Code

My Gremlin (Worzie) is 23rd in the league today. All bar 2 Gremlins above me have huge dexterity compared to mine (and low strength). I have little or no chance of even getting a punch in but they aren`t likely to knock Worzie out. So they get huge XP (I just fought Phoenix the Slayer and he got 64XP to my 1XP). This means that they pull even further away from me and I have no fights with anyone above me I can win. I may as well kill off my Gremlin now as the only way he is going to move up the table is whn ones above him die.

The new scoring means that really only a high dexterity is needed so that you can do loads of 20 round fights and get huge XP. All the fun of taking on a similar level Gremlin is disappearing if you don`t have a huge dexterity :-(

RE: New fight code will get an update very quickly methinks

I don`t turn down any challenge as I think it goes against the spirit of the game. Someone has used one of their challenges so I`ll take it. However having just had Worzie challenged by a baby and Worzie winning in one round, I got 1 XP he gets 15XP, I may have to start refusing.

Sorry but IMHO this new scoring system is rubbish!