Info and forum posts by 'Tazzles'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 26th February 2005, 14:06, Last used: Wednesday, 13th December 2006, 07:52

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Human

This user has posted a total of 42 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: most ever exp?

181 :) , i`m sure it was with a gelo family member, had a look but couldn`t find it :(

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Its with great sadness that i anouce the death of Gelo12,

Gone and most probably forgotton.

his unlucky successor Gelo13 will be on the scene in about 2 weeks due to a well deserved holiday.

RE: Short of challengers...

Same thing happened to me :( ,

stacks of challenges untill you get into the top five(ish) and its like you got the plague. only the brave or the follish challenge you ;) .

RE: Tis a fairly tight little group here?

I`m not going to give away wins

Sorry to tell you this mate but you are at the bottom of the barrel and you are going to give away fights until someone starts a new gremlin

RE: Tis a fairly tight little group here?

Well i`m complaining, refuse my fight..... not like thier is plenty of competition to chose from is their.....And after you challenged me first....

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th November 2005, 21:14

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

I have the unforunate pleasure to announce the the death of GELO8,

Passing away last night, giving up the top spot which he held for a few days.

Gelo would like to thank all that battled him (Successfull & Unsuccessfuly), new and old.

But all beware, GELO9 is about to spring to life, Muhahahahahaha

RE: almighty dave

thanks phil, my quest for the number 1 spot was always thwarted by by some big names, your self twice

RE: almighty dave

A tear came to my this morning when i saw that dave had died.

It was a tear of Joy (No offence) cus that ment GELO8 made it to the number one spot, after 8 incarnations of the little gremlins, he is the first in his line to make it.
long live Gelo8

RE: not to make things sound worse......

challenges have been thin on the ground coming my way as well, apart from the the normal 4 i get from friends/family i got 2 other challenges, one from Dave and the other from a baby grem (thanks phil).

RE: waiting for challenges!

I would of returned the challenge earlier but the fire alarms went off :D

RE: only 2challenges today

Give us a chance, its still early yet,

well old timer ;) go easy on me

RE: Two Challenges available today from the current Number 2 Grem

Gelo8 said "Bring it ON",

then runs in to a corner ;)

RE: When will we get XP for winning rounds

Thats a good idea Phil, would like to see something like that.

Scariest New Born Ever - GELO8

Well, as rated by Amsterdam who refuse my new borns fight :/ ,

so just you lot beware, because he will be working his way the league :) ,

and he likes a good old scrap.... ;)

RE: Two Challneges

:/ She-man :/

s/he`s needs to see the doctor ;)

This item was edited on Friday, 26th August 2005, 07:26



I have just refused a challenge by mistake, I`m sorry.

I think it was Mooch III - James B but i`m not too sure, i was in a rush

RE: 5 Challenges available today

I`ll have one to, please :)

RE: In Bruce`s Footsteps...

In fact, thanks to everyone`s acceptance of my challenges -- and two challenges by others -- I am now within shouting distance of the "highest" strength ever...


Don't get comfy in that top spot, cus GELO6 is stirring in the loins Gelo5 and he feels strong.

Which Is Worse

Which is the worse sin on gremlins?

One who refuses a challenge or one who terminates his gremlin early with 7 challenges waiting?

RE: Is your gremlin brave enough?

Well if UU wants to bring it, i`m ready ;)

Is your gremlin brave enough?

Is your gremlin tough, do you think he`s hard? Can he knock any gremlin into next week or will he run rings around you.

Well prove your self against GELO4

He will take on the good, the bad and the Ugly

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th June 2005, 11:44

RE: Damage calculations

Totally agree with UU

The hardest gremlin ever (So far) Gelo3 only made up to 74 in the current all time greatest list

Gelo3's smaller brother, Gelo4 is a fast nippy little thing and has surpassed all of his predecessors in the all time rankings and has done this in 90 less challenges.

Proving that Dex is the best way to go, it don`t get you wins but it gets the XP.


As for the reference above with Gelo4 the specific guy`s challenge that one may have been a mistake, I would have definately taken that fight, I feel bad now that I missed that one (at that time), I do not know if I just blindly refused due to the sheer number of rediculous challenges that day or what. I don`t check every day on my status, but currently Gelo4 is ranked 12th so he must fight way more than I do, and from his specific record of 140/210 points not withstanding it isnt that great a record in my book (no offense) compared to my modest 56/33 But this is about points too so gratz on the ranking .
By eclypse

The reason i am so far up the rankins compaired to you is because i accept all challanges. How can you compair win/loss ratio`s when don`t even fight everbody. You say about the sheer number of challanges on that day, did you have more than seven waiting for you, i think not, (If you did report it as a bug) :D

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th June 2005, 16:29


Why refuse :/

Owner is
Strength: 215
Stamina: 200
Dexterity: 183
Owner is
Strength: 75
Stamina: 275
Dexterity: 275

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Gelo3, the hardest gremlin so far know to man.
was born on 20/4/2005, passing away on 18/5/2005 sadly before his time

Strength 6000, Stamina 2752, Dexterity 400
Fights 530, Won 327, Lost 203

RE: hardest punches

I know a good doctor if Skidmark needs one ;)

RE: ethics

Know the feelling Willy >:(

He refused me today as well, it`s those damn links being so close, i`m sure he ment to click accept :/ , why would he refuse, just think of all the XP he is missing out on (for free as well).

with al that extra XP he could be an even bigger bully to all those new baby gremlins ;)

RE: The New Born/The Departed

Ding Ding - round 2 - in the blue corner we have....... >:(

This has gone to fighting stations, i might stay well clear.

Well Witchy very big comments for your first post, can you back them up ;)

hoochichoochi i hope you dont find any offence with this cus none is ment but all those capitals, the keyboard must be under a lot of strain, but Steamboat made a good point.

come on guys/girls play nicely, fight dirty

RE: Sorry Atomic

Add sidsuicide with his gremlin JulianClaryVI to the sorry list of individuals that roam this earth, why... the age old art of refusing fights