Info and forum posts by 'RichKS'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 2nd March 2005, 17:15, Last used: Monday, 5th July 2010, 08:13

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Looking for a good DVD recorder

Hi all,

I`m looking for a new DVD recorder. I have Sky+, so I don`t need a hard drive. It must be Region free. It would be super nice if it played DivX/Xvid files too. Needs to have RGB scart. Component/progerssive and all that is a nice bonus, but probably not essential since the current TV doesn`t support that.

Looking in the sub £300 range.

Thanks in advance


RE: Freecom Media Player 3

Any info on what the picture quality is like on these? I find the lack of RGB Scart a bit worrying but SVideo can be ok on some setups.

Some people have complained about slow navigation, but that`s to be expected to a certain degree with a device like this and can be worked around with good directory structure. What are people`s opinions? Is this viable as a lounge MP3 player? How noisey is is?

RE: Replacement for Wharfdale 750 please!

Bought a Cello yesterday, £35 I couldn`t resist.

Picture quality is what I`d expect from a £35 unit. Obviously not up to the standard of the Wharfdale.

After a brief test there are several issues with the unit, none of them make it worth less than £35 though.

I think I`ll pass it on and check out the Poineer at the weekend.

RE: Replacement for Wharfdale 750 please!

Hey mate,

Cheers for the offer, it`s not that I`m exactly attached to the s750 in particular. More looking for the 2005 equivalent replacement for that 2000 machine.

At £35 the Chello is too cheap to pass over, even if I give it away in 6 months time when something really spiffy comes along.

RE: About to buy DVD Rewritef for PC - what media?

If I were in your boots, I`d look at and buy one of their sample packs. That is if nobody who knows for sure replies.

Personally I have a Wharfdale s750, and that is fine with +R media, but I haven`t really used many -Rs. All that I have tried have worked so far though, except DVD+RW, which it will not read at all.

RE: Cello DIV-X DVD Player @ Sainsburys - only £34.99

How big is this thing then? I really want a small one (say, half width?).

Replacement for Wharfdale 750 please!

My old Wharfdale Tesco DVD player (750 I think) seems to be wearing out. I need a replacement which

What I need is a DVD player which:

Will play all formats of DVD (DVD, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, although I can live without DVD-RAM)

Is multiregion without having to buy anything extra (burning a firmware to cdr is no problem)

Will auto-switch between PAL and NTSC

Has RGB Scart output with fairly decent picture quality. The Wharfdale was fine.

Doesn`t have sound synch issues (I hear the KiSS ones do)

Costs less than £170

It would be nice if it also:

Played DivX\XviD\MP3\ogg etc etc etc. I have an XBox for that stuff, but hey, options is options...

Didn`t look\feel cheap and nasty

Had an unloseable remote control ;)

Am I looking for the moon on a stick or is all this reasonable?

I know DVD recorders are all the rage right now, but I don`t have even an arial, so one will be no use to me at all.

RE: DVD Recorder, I`m Confused!

Is this going to be region free/hackable without any extra stuff? What is the playback quality like on these Panasonic recordable units aqnd do they have RGB output over SCART?

I know this sounds like I`m being dense, sorry...