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Gremlins Forum

Hall Of Shame

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 09:42

Name and shame those who Refuse and intentionaly lapse

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 10:45

RE: Hall Of Shame

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 09:43

kinkycamel the 4th Owner is camelman LAPSER

RE: Hall Of Shame

Keg beer sucks (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 20:44

Sorry but people have lives outside here that may mean they can`t get in for a while so to have a go at people for lapsing is unfair.

I`ve lapsed twice in the past, once when my G/F at time tried to kill herself so i was spending all my time in Hopital with her, once when I booked a late holiday & didn;t have time to termiinate, 42%er has lapsed due to outside reasons, other regualrs have lapsed due to legitimate reasons, puter problems etc etc etc.

Refusers deserve to be named & shamed, doing the same to lapsers is unfair if you don`t know the reasons

Fat Bottomed Girls are fine for Queen to sing about.
Fat Arsed Yanks are a pain.

RE: Hall Of Shame

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 22:38

18/6/2005 kinkycamel the 4th camelman young adult 385 390 385 61 32 29 Lapsed

Won 19/6/2005 Tarot III Spirit 68 176 169 98 49 49 View
Won 18/6/2005 Franny seranab 187 202 198 86 39 47 View
Won 18/6/2005 Yorky Yorky 105 90 93 31 11 20 View
Won 18/6/2005 Ellie Bear2 caroljs 65 207 195 79 22 57 View
Lost 18/6/2005 Episode II:The Revenge of Jaws recordbreaker 74 263 336 105 44 61 View
Won 18/6/2005 BONUS_001 bonus 99 101 68 48 20 28 View
Lost 18/6/2005 Squeeky Grneyes236 182 156 236 70 27 43 View
Won 18/6/2005 Angel no more arms_of_an_angel 60 262 186 94 26 68 View
Lost 18/6/2005 Johnstown Jackalope Lamplighter 70 8100 6957 605 431 174 View
Won 18/6/2005 Kirrin, Bringer of Destiny Nert 57 165 162 105 47 58 View
Won 18/6/2005 Kirrin, Bringer of Destiny Nert 57 165 162 105 47 58 View
Lost 18/6/2005 Angel no more arms_of_an_angel 60 262 186 94 26 68 View
Lost 17/6/2005 Apdar II topher2210 210 210 210 118 62 56 View

Now what was the reason for letting my challange lapse..........
its not if he was away doing other things, he/she had enough fights over that time, i can show all the fights on the 18, 19, 20 & 21st

this is why i shamed this lapser

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 23:42

RE: Hall Of Shame

PhilPhrenzy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 23:05

I personally think that the lapsed challenge feature is somewhat unnecessary nowadays. For example, an inactive gremlins will remain forever busy once 7 challenges have been raised. As a result, no-one else will be able to waste their challenge on them.

As I Hate mentioned, there are some folks with legitimate reasons to be away from their grem for more than 3 days. Unfortunately, this may result in your name appearing in some peoples `black book` and resulting in a slight decrease of future challenges. If they were given the chance to accept a challenge from way back when, I`m sure most would. Better late than never - as they say.

Just my tuppence worth, but apart from possibly a minor saving on server resources, I can`t see any reason why the lapsed challenge feature should be there (apart from death of gremlins of course - obviously).


OT: I can`t help but notice that I`ve hardly had any challenges in the evenings of this week. Is it just my grem, or are folks generally going to bed early or something?

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 00:15

RE: Hall Of Shame

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 00:49

I Agree with you I Hate
SHAME the REFUSERS but not always the lapsers
If you do not know why someone lapsed it really is not fair!
For Example I only check my grem at work and I only work Mon-Thurs.
My PC is NOT hooked up yet at home (just moved, and am waiting for DSL service) and most weekends I am either at my cabin in the woods (no phone, no TV, never mind internet) Or I go away.
So I am sorry if I caused anyone to waste a challenge but as I said the weeknds I am not near a PC or just too busy
BUT to shame someone for lapsing and not know why is just not cool.
NOW if you see em fight other grems during the time you issued a challenge and they lapse you SHAME EM!!!!
And I think ther should be a permanent HALL of SHAME so others can see who to avoid wasting challenges on!

BTW I never refuse a challenge during the week so anyone up for a fight BRING IT! don`t care what you rank if you kick my butt no prob I still earned at least 3XP

RE: Hall Of Shame

holistic therapist (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 05:53

Sorry but people have lives outside here that may mean they can`t get in for a while so to have a go at people for lapsing is unfair.

i agree with I HATE. i also had to let 7 challenges lapse when i went to visit my daughter and grand-daughter. that was due to no internet access at her house (shameful i know!)

in normal circumstances regulars don`t like to lapse challenges so don`t try and shame them when circumstances beyond their control mean that they have had to do so. there may be times in the future when i once again have to let challenges lapse due to the fact my son-in-law is serving in Iraq and my daughter and/or grand-daughter need me. if that uspets someone that my family have come before my gremlin tough!

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 06:58

RE: Hall Of Shame

The Original Fake (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 08:01


OT: I can`t help but notice that I`ve hardly had any challenges in the evenings of this week. Is it just my grem, or are folks generally going to bed early or something?

I think people are going to bed early. it also shows in the forum and how slow its been lately.

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 09:04

RE: Hall Of Shame

SHL Basher (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 09:18

I nominate my self, as i just refused some one (and i don`t know who it was) by accident. :/

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 10:21

RE: Hall Of Shame

holistic therapist (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd June 2005, 10:52

but yours was a genuine accident and you are excused as you have admitted it

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