Info and forum posts by 'cotter'

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Joined on: Saturday, 7th July 2001, 20:50, Last used: Saturday, 7th July 2001, 20:50

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 20 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Argos DVD sale - Futurama Season 1 £12.99

I`ve emailed them as well - not impressed at all. Best bit is, they charged my card on 30 Dec, but didnt send me a cancellation email until 31st?

Interesting to note though, they seem to have reworded their T&C? Item 4 now reads

`Goods are subject to availability. In the event that we are unable to supply the goods, we will inform you of this as soon as possible. A full refund will be given where you have already paid for the goods.`

Just have to sit tight and wait see I suppose.

RE: Chewin The Fat @ HMV

I also got the Hogmanay 2000 disc, and Live at the Kings Glasgow one couple of weeks ago.

Woman behind the counter must have worried about me wondering up to the counter with all 5 Chewing the Fat discs.............

Pure dead brilliant!

RE: Is there a mechanic in the house?


`Low blow` is the common name for the later, Vauxhall TD engine, as opposed to the Isuzu unit which will be fitted to the car you looked at. Reason for the name `low blow` is that the turbo is a `low pressure` turbo as opposed to a `high pressure`. Turbo pressure can be worked out from the engine code - X17DTL. X = emissions controls. 17 DT = 1.7 Diesel Turbo L = low blow turbo.

Not sure about the engines fitted to the current range - been out of the trade for a couple of years now, but certainly when the Vectra 2.0 TD engines were introduced, there were two versions - low pressure turbo (X20DTL) and high pressure (X20DTH). High pressure = more speed.

Enough of my geek speak though.


RE: Leaving car in garage for 8 weeks...

Do absolutely no harm to park it up as normal, and just leave it. Certainly wouldnt recommend disconnecting battery. As for getting someone to start it every week - likely to do more harm than good if they are just going to start it and leave it idling for a bit.

Used to be a salesman at local Vauxhall garage - trust me when I say that I used to sell `new` motors that had been sitting for a damned bit longer than 8 weeks in the compound!

RE: Is there a mechanic in the house?

Firstly, P plate Astra wont have the same engine. Later Astra`s have Vauxhalls own TD - low blow turbo D (engine code X17DTL), as opposed to the earlier Isuzu ones.

If the Isuzu unit has been overheated, chances are the head is warped (from experience, these warp v v v easily). I seem to recall that we had a problem with these units a while back, had a run of them for some reason coming in having overheated, and not only did it warp the head, it can knacker the piston rings as well. (used to work at local Vaux garage).

IMHO unless you know the history and therefore why it wont run (and presumably you dont and that is why you are posting here), avoid. Expensive engines to fix. Best bet is probably a low miles Jap import engine - Exchange & Mart prob best place to find ad for this, or a recon.

HTH ;-)

RE: Fitting a CD Changer in a Car

More a fiddly job than a difficult one. Difficult bit is running the cables from the front of the car to the back. You will need to (carefully) remove the trim panels, run the cables through, and replace the trim panels. Best to run the cables down the opposite side of the car from the existing car loom, in order to minimize any interference. Other than the multi plug which goes into the multi changer, the only other wire you should have is an earth wire, which you can earth onto one of the mounting bolts. You dont need the 12V plug in the back of the car. Power cable is included in the multi plug and loom which connect the head unit and m/c.

Disclaimer - I accept no responsibility for any damage caused by c*cking this up! ;-)

RE: Firewalls

Yet another recommendation for Zonealarm. Brilliant piece of kit - works alongside Norton AV2002 no probs.

This link should help you trace any alerts you get through Zonealarm

RE: Whats the best/safest music sharing program??

Use Audiogalaxy quite a lot, had not probs at all. As someone already mentioned, Lavasoft good for spyware detection.

RE: Monsters Inc- Awesome

Totally agree with all thats been said - went to see it last weekend, and laughed myself hoarse! The Birds at the start is indeed absolute genius - whole cinema was in hysterics. Certainly one DVD to order as soon as its available!

RE: Bargains at DVDPlus

have used them several times - never any probs at all.

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

Seeing as how, technically, you didnt order the second copy, then wouldnt it then be classed as unsolicited mail, and therefore you are totally within your rights legally to keep it?

Then again, I may be talking complete twaddle...........

RE: Buy one, get one free at HMV

Offer is on the website as well

RE: DVDPLUS What`s the score...

Dont know about them closing, news to me if its true, but have ordered from them in the past, and had no probs at all.

RE: Five Star Collection`s

and I clicked on this thread thinking that there was finally a disc realeased about that fabulous (?) 1980s pop group that we all know and love..............

Oh well, maybe another time.......

Cheap DVDs at DVD+

DVDplus have a large (200+) selection just now from £5.99. Admittedly, majority of them could hardly be called exciting, but The Colour Purple for £7.99 cant be bad?

RE: NTSC help please


Thanks mate for your advice. Have swapped the Scart into EXT1 and changed the player to RGB, and BINGO - success! Thought that I had tried this already, but obviously not.

You are a wonder indeed - may your advice to us thick newbies never cease!!

Again - million thanks.


RE: NTSC help please

Cheers Westy

Unfortunately, still non further forward. Telly doesnt have options mentioned - in the colour menu only options are the standard brightness, contrast etc. Only menu that seems to relate to what you mention is the for the scart input - allowing you to choose between AV or SVideo. Have tried both - matching DVD machine to SVideo as required, no luck. Output options on machine are Video, SVideo or RGB. Have tried messing with all three, with no luck. Am beginning to think that I am being exceedingly thick, and that the answer is going to be soooooo simple.............

NTSC help please

Can anybody help a DVD newby please?

Toshiba SD200 player, Toshiba telly. Playing NTSC discs gives black and white pictures, even with machine set to play NTSC. Telly is definitely NTSC compatible (or so the handbook tells me - we do assume that they tell the truth!)

Being new to this, I am being really thick and missing something really obvious??? Connected via SCART, dunnot if that would make a difference?

Any help appreciated!

RE: Toshiba SD 200E

OK. thanks for info.

Toshiba SD 200E

Can anyone please tell me if Tosh SD 200E can be hacked? Am new to this DVD malarky - all advice gratefully accepted!!

