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Play247: Do I be honest with them?

themilkman23 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 09:37

I recently ordered Mallrats from Play247. Very happy with the delivery, received it within 36 hours, they also took the money off my card equally as fast. Thing is on Monday, roughly 2 weeks after receiving the first, I received ANOTHER copy. But, 5 days later, nothing has come up on my card.

The question, Do I phone them up and be a honest shopper? OR do I keep hold of it, and sell it to someone else?

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 10:07

What do you think you should do?

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 10:34

call`s obviously going to be a great weight off your shoulders....and anyway, I`m sure you`d get in touch rather fast if you find they charged you for the second one as well :-)

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

themilkman23 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 11:35

Ant-dvds, what kind of a reply is that? Why would I leave a message, only to be replied, with my own question?

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th October 2001, 11:40

I think what Ant-dvd was implying is that it`s down to your own conscience. If you`re happy with keeping it, fine - after a set period of time it`s legally yours anyway - but don`t you feel a bit guilty about depriving an honest company of the revenue from that disc?


RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

cotter (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 17:08

Seeing as how, technically, you didnt order the second copy, then wouldnt it then be classed as unsolicited mail, and therefore you are totally within your rights legally to keep it?

Then again, I may be talking complete twaddle...........

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 17:14

Bearing in mind Play are one of the cheapest retailers around, and I`m sure we all want them to stay that way, my conscience would advise me to return to sender...

It`s your call, mate

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

cutz2000 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 19:46

play are a very fast and well priced site so i wouldnt go ripping them off
i had no probs sending a couple of region 1 dvds back and they refund the postage charge to your card so dont worry about that.
but ur not me so do what u want but i know what i would do.

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 23:08

I`ve never fully understood this kind of post/question, to be honest! Milkman, if what you are asking is `will I be charged for the 2nd dvd?` then I don`t know. But if what you are asking is `should I send it back as it doesn`t rightfully belong to me?` then that is COMPLETELY up to you and your conscience, isn`t it? Why feel the need to involve total strangers in your decision? Very strange behaviour indeed......


RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 23:11

Send it back. lf your asking on here either your taking the mick, or something inside you knows its not right to keep it. Enough people profit by other peoples mistakes. l believe things have a way of coming back on you, or your loved ones.....

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